Sunday, November 25, 2007

being weird is -- genetic

i'm using my father's laptop so i'm kind of in a hurry.. anyway, wow, i'm updating for the second time this month! HAHAHA..

true to my title, being weird is GENETIC.. you should've seen my father singing his lungs out a while ago.. This afternoon, i was busy surfing the net and he sat down beside me and my brother, got out his guitar and he started singing.. My brother and I gave him one look of disdain before heaving a looooong sigh.. he had to stop after ten minutes because we had to prepare to go to church..

Now, a while ago, my father said "Because of popular demand, I am back for my second set.." and he started singing again. He can be annoying, but this time it was so damn HILARIOUS!!! I was really, really laughing.. tsk tsk..

Anyway, we had our interaction last monday.. it was FUN. hahahaha.. God, the guys are sooooo tall I felt like a small fish with sharks..

Hopefully, we'll have our outbound this week.. Although i am not as thrilled as before because DORILIE's NOT going to be there :( Still, 770 pesos is 770 pesos..

My posts are not lengthy but Rina's still writing it.. Same difference..

And, oh yeah, do you know that my liquid-intake this weekend consists of sodas? From Pepsi to Coke to 7-up?? I'm doing this for the pitak-shootak.. Currently, I have 20 something cans..

Another bullshitty topic is Neil Gaiman being in subic. why is he goddamn there?! Isn't he going to come to Manila?! WHY!! I am willing to surrender EVERYTHING -- ANYTHING for NEIL GAIMAN!!! :((

SONG: Prayer of the refugee by Rise Against..

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