Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Nose Runs And A Foot Smells.

So, I'm really, really sick right now. My throat itches and is as hoarse as fuck. My head throbs like fuck. And, anyway, I'm just really sick right now. It started this Friday. My throat was already itchy and.. I dunno. It hurts already. Then, yesterday, it got worse. Today, it was really bad that I sound like an old donkey or something. And, the bad part? The bad part was I had to record my VJ project with a voice like this. Ugh. I could kill myself.

Anyway, last night, my mom and I watched Don Quixote at CCP. It was so bloody amazing. I super enjoyed it. It's a good thing I wasn't coughing like hell there.

On a very different topic, can I just say that Miranda Kerr looks like a baby? Gawd. She's so pretty. I could stare at her all day. She's not as hot as Adriana Lima but, man, oh man.. She's so prrrreeeeetttttty!

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