Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Life Is Unfair.

Other than the fact that I'm so lss-ed with They Might Be Giants' "Boss of Me" (because it's the opening theme song for Malcolm in the Middle and I've been watching Malcolm in the Middle for a week now.  I'm actually already in season 2 hihi), that's what I'm kind of feeling right now.

See, there's this thing that I like and I liked it for a veeeeeeeeeeeryyyyyyyyyyyyy loooooooong time but I can't have it.  It was stupid of me to not foresee this.  Annnnnywaaaaay, it's really upsetting and painful but when I think about it, I'm not as sad as before when I first experienced it.  Actually, I could laugh about it now as long as I don't see anything online... HAHAHAHAHA I'm kidding.

Life is unfair but it's also kind of good.  I think wonderful things are going to happen to me this 2014 (hopefully)  I'm still scared of the future but I'm learning how to take deep breaths whenever things get a little overwhelming.  I think that's a good thing..  right?


Anonymous said...

you'll always have me <3

Rina E. Macaraig said...