Thursday, March 25, 2010

Same Old. Same Old.

I can't believe I turned 18 today. I can't believe I can legally watch porn! Wooohoooo! Ok. I'm kidding. :)))))

To be brutally frank, today is the worst birthday. Ever. When I woke up this morning, I have, like, a bazillion spots on my face. My parents comforted me and told me it can't be measles since I have complete vaccine and all. Still. The fact that I looked hideous on my 18th birthday made me really, really, really suicidal. :|

Secondly, today's the last day of the final exams. CA literally bludgeoned my brain. It was so hard. Seriously. I'm 99% sure that I'm going to fail it. Huhu. So much for getting my game face.. Ready. :(

Lastly, I had the crappiest year-ender. Ever. Enough said.

It's not everyday that I turn 18 -- but this day..? I just want to forget all about my birthday. Kill me now.