Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh God I Feel Like I'm In For It Now.

So, what's playin'?

The Latency's - Fork In The Road
Angels & Airwaves - The Gift
The Shins - Australia
Ten Second Epic - Yours To Lose
Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen
The Weepies - They're In Love, Where Am I?
The Weepies - Please Speak Well Of Me
Sail By The Stars - Wingspan And Flight Plans
The Killers - Spaceman
The Paper Kites - Woodland

I would recommend this playlist (especially The Weepies and The Paper Kites) for a rainy and chill day.  It kinda sucks, though, because the rain hasn't come my way yet.  It's so scalding-ly hot these days.

Friday, October 28, 2011

When You Hear This Song, I Hope Your Ears Bleed.

I had a very funny and wonderful dream last night.  I was with my mom and Jodie, then we went to the Rico Rodriguez salon (don't ask me, Rico Rodriguez is Manny from Modern Family.  I think he's super duper cute.  So, I don't know why he has a salon in my dream)  Anyway, when we got there, all my blockmates were there.  They were throwing a surprise birthday party for Rico Rodriguez.  When Rico came, he was a different guy.  He's all grown-up with a beer belly and a weird mustache but he was gay.  (This stuff's getting weirder and weirder, believe me! Hahaha.)  So, everyone's having fun with the booze and Rico's funny antics and then Jodie and I found out that we were accepted in Hogwarts, along with a certain blockmate of mine and another person I can't remember (this bothers me a lot.  Although, some parts, I think it's Floro.  So weird.)

Jodie and I plus my certain blockmate and his side-kick decided to go to Krispy Kreme and celebrate our Hogwarts acceptance letter.  But, before we got to Krispy Kreme, we decided to go my house and practice with our wands (I don't know how we got our wands without going to Diagon Alley.  So weird.)  So, we were trying out spells like Accio, and Aguementi and then I had this crazy idea to try Sectumsempra to a civilian.  Before I could do it and find out its effects or something, I woke up.  *sigggghs*  It was so frustrating.  I didn't get to see what happened.

This dream was really amazing, though.  It was such an adventure!  There were even parts when I was driving and overspeeding and I was good.  Man, I was a good driver.

So, today, I watched the mini-series Lost In Austen.  It was so amazing and I loved it so freakin' much!  It was funny and, yeah, witty.  I want to reread Pride and Prejudice because of this!  The thing in the story that made me wince a little bit was the fact they fall in love easily.  Like, easily.  It was disturbing.  Another fact was the actress who played Jane.  I think that role should be saved for Rosamund Pike.  She's the perfect Jane Bennet!  Morven Christie is a good actress but, god, she's..  I don't picture Jane looking like that. Seriously.  Rosamund Pike is the perfeeeeect Jane! 

On the other hand, Gemma Arterton was the perfect Elizabeth Bennet!  Perfect, I tell you!  She doesn't really have a huge role here but, man, she's the Lizzy Bennet I've been picturing in my mind.  Keira Knightley can rot in hell.  (I'm sorry, I don't like her.  And she crapped out the Pride and Prejudice movie.  It was ruined!  It wasn't what I expected.  Hmph.)  Plus, plus, plus, take a look at Gemma Arterton, she's such a babe!  How is it even possible to have such a beautiful person like her walking around this grassy, green Earth?

Beautiful!  Anyway, God, I love Pride and Prejudice so much.  I must've read it 3x already.  I want Mr. Darcy!  He's such a perfect gentleman.  Hihihi.  Plus, he's really handsome too.  Elliot Cowen played Mr. Darcy in Lost In Austen and he's perfect.  Perffffffffffect!  I don't like the Mr. Darcy in the Pride and Prejudice movie.  Suuuuucks.

I'm sorry.  I didn't like the movie.  I think it was a waste of my time.

So, yeah.  Watch Lost In Austen!  Hihihi.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

God Save The Queen. ♕

So, when I tell you guys to listen to something, you should do it because, let's face it, I have an awesome taste in music.

HAHAHAHA.  I'M KIDDING!  That statement's freakin' conceited, that's not even me talking!  Ugh, I ought to eat a cardboard or something. Hahaha! Some people who aren't close to me might think I'm a egocentric bastard.  Which I'm not.  Seriously.

Anyway, to cut the bullshit, (I know I've said it, like, a bajillion times before but, hey, cut me some slack.  Hahaha!) you guys should seriously, seriously, seriously listen to this awesome song.  It's such a beautiful song, it brings tears to my eyes.  Better yet, download their album: Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols.  Great tracks.  If you loved this, I would also recommend the Ramones and The Who.  Awesome bands.  They're a lot louder than The Beatles so, it could help you stay up and do an all-nighter or something.

P. S. My grandfather's in the 4th stage of his lung cancer.. thing.  I can't lose it in front of my parents and my brother so, I've been keeping a happy-sappy face all day.  This news is really saddening, though.  God.  I must see him soon.  I don't think I'm ready to lose the best grandfather in the world.  So, yeah, can you pray for him or something?  You see, we haven't told him yet.  He doesn't know.  God, I'm talking about grown-up things now.  It doesn't even sound like me.  So many things are happening, I think my mind's going to explode.  So, yeah.  Sure.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oh God.

Oh God.  I just found out that my favorite grandfather in the whole wide world has lung cancer.  Fuck.  God, sana di pa malalang stage.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

♛ ♛ ♛

Today is such a great day.  Come to think of it, maybe I'm just in a very good mood.  Nothing specific or heart-pounding happened today.  It's just an ordinary Tuesday but I feeeeel so marvelous and ecstatic.  I have no idea why.  Maybe I've come to the terms that I have to be more patient with my grandmother.  Anyway, whatever the reason is, I hope it stays.  HIHIHI.

I was going through my Tumblr dashboard and I saw a bajillion pictures of creamy and mouth-watering crepes.  So now, I'm craving for some.  I want to eat the bacon crepe Jonah introduced to me.  It's, by far, the best bacon crepe I've ever tasted in my entire life.  I'm not even sugar-coating or exaggerating.  It's so delicious, it's making my mouth water right now.   Huhuhu.  I want to eat one right nooooow.

I was looking at my multiply account and, God, it was so immature and hilarious.  =))  And everyone looks different back then.  Especially Ampy.  OHMYGOD I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING WHENEVER I SEE AMPY'S FACE DURING OUR 4TH YEAR OUTBOUND TRIP!  =))  There's this one picture, she has a really weird smile.  It's freakin' hilarious.  I miss them so much.  :))

I'm in such a rainbow-somersault mood, I want to hug everrrrrrryone!  Hihihi!

Monday, October 24, 2011

When Life Gives Me Lemons, I Make Lemonade

So, it was my enrollment today.  I'm officially enrolled for the 2nd semester.  My schedule is fuuuuucked-up.  ANYWAY, I love watching movies.  And today, I'm going to post my 5 favorite movies.

1.  American Psycho

2. Tears of the Sun

3. V For Vendetta

4. Peacock

5. 300

Beauuuuutiful films.  You guys should see all of these.  Hihihi.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Walking Disaster.

Of course I'm going to regret all of these things tomorrow.  They're going to make me pay for this.  Maybe tomorrow I'll feel bad for being a selfish and inconsiderate son-of-a-bitch.  But, as of this moment, let me lick my wounds.  Truth be told, I'm sick of this house (I thought that this could be, like, my haven during this sem break.  Oh, how very wrong I was) and I'm still a little sick of school.  So, can you see my dilemma?  I don't know where to go.

Can you fucking kill me now?  I'm not even kidding.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

When Will My Misery End?

OMG.  HAHAHAHAHA.  Joke lang 'yung title.  Jusko.  Nagpapacute lang ako.  HAHAHAHAHAHA.  =)) OMG.  I'm so freakin' hilarious!  =))  Anyway, I'm so happy right now I could shit rainbows.  I'm back at our house as of this moment.  Tomorrow, I'm going back to the hospital.  Grabe.  Internet deprivation..  I went straight to the router when I got here and drowned myself in my happy cyberworld.  Hihihi.

If you haven't heard that song up there yet, it's high time you listen to it.  It's an old song but it never fails to make me smile.  KBYE.  HAHAHA!  Seriously, tho, it's a very beautiful song.

I'm feeling good about some things right now.  I hope this euphoria stays.  Buy me a new pair of Vans, for sure, I would be happy for, say, 2 weeks.  I want a new paaaaair.  I really want a new pair!  :((  Buy me one!  I can't wait to give myself a Christmas present.  Or a birthday present.  Or both at the same time.  Anyway, this is some of the designs I want.  (In case someone wants to surprise me..  *coughs* Mommy.  HAHAHAHA.  Joke.)

This is sort of, um, for guys but, BUT I think it's gorgeous.

Technically, I don't have any green shirts.  But, I really think this color is cute and fruity.  So...

I want the Blue and Purple one!  That design's my favorite.  Seriously, I want this so MUCH.

I like both of these designs.  Can I have these two?  Pretty please?  OMG.

Hay nako.  I'm going to treat myself one or two of these for Christmas.  Tas sa birthday ko nalang yung Schu flats.  Or not.  Hmmm.  I have to think about it.  As of now, I'm really drooling over the thought of a new pair of Vans.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Here Is Everything I've Always Meant To Say.

Life sucks.  It has never been kind to me.  Never.

Or maybe something's really wrong with me?  Maybe I'm an annoying, pessimistic jerk?  What do you think?

Ahhhh, no.  Actually, I prefer my first statement..  Life really sucks.  Suck-ish, suck-ish son of a bitch.

(OMG.  My blog hasn't been a happy blog recently..  I'm so sorry!  SERIOUSLY!  Must get back to the normality everyone's accustomed to.  Mehehe.)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Can Anybody Please Save Me?

This is really selfish but can I just say that I don't want to stay at the house right now?  I don't want to go to school either.  I want to go to the Bahamas or Nigeria or Ghana, any place where nobody knows me, and stay there until I'm ok.  

God, I was looking forward to this month-long semestral break ever since school started this June.  By God, I'm so annoyed and irritated with everyone right now.  Everyone here's been shouting and yelling at me for, what, the  past few days.  And, seriously, it's getting on my nerves now.  Ok, fine, I get it, you guys are friggin' stressed out because you go out early in the morning and you come back at around 11 pm or 2 am.  I get it, you're busy, but, God, COME ON, you don't have to shout at me for every little mistake (and I mean LITTLE) I make.  God, you guys, of all people, should know how much I've been looking forward to this sem break and the fact that I could stay away from all those awful people.  I'm this close to tearing everybody's heads off.

And, you know what, it's not easy to take care of a very old and hard-headed grandmother who wouldn't freakin' eat ANYTHING.  Do you know how frustrating that is?!  I would give her a tiny portion of food and she wouldn't even finish a third of it.  I don't know what to feed her anymore except the Toblerones she graciously devours.  It's also frustrating because she falls down every fucking time she stands up.  Do you have any idea how frightening that is?  She couldn't freakin' walk to the bathroom without groping my arms because she would fall down!  By God, it scares the bejesus out of me.

Then, you guys would come home and you would nag me to do this, do that, don't forget this, remember that.  OH HOLY JESUS HAVE MERCY ON ME.  I'm trying ok!  I would egg her to eat some more and I would even tell her that I would wait for her even if she takes 3 hours to finish the food I gave her.  I always remind her to take her medicine on time.  I am even her own walking stick.  So, you see, I am FREAKIN' trying.  You guys just have to know that this is not an ordinary old person we're talking about.  You should realize how difficult it is to take care of her..  With her rants and her constant whining and, dear God, her insensitivity towards the help.  Seriously.  I know it's selfish of me to not understand her and everything but OMG, can you please see my situation, PLEASE, PLEASE?

I'm sorry for this fucked-up feelings.  I should know better.  I should understand more.  But, the thing is, I can't.  I need someone to understand me too.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Give It Your Best Shot And Try.

Yeah he's a looker,
but I really think it's guts that matter most.
I displayed them for you,
strewn out about from coast to coast.

I am easily make believe,
just dress me up in what you want me to be.
I'll take back what I've been saying for quite some time now.

I gotta feel you in my bones again,
I'm all over you.
I'm not over you.
I wanna taste you one more time again,
I'm all over you.
I'm not over you.

In my daydreams, in my sleep,
infatuation turning into disease.
You could cure me, see all you have to do now
is please try.
Give it your best shot and try.
All I'm asking for is love,
but you never seem to have enough.

I gotta feel you in my bones again,
I'm all over you.
I'm not over you.
I wanna taste you one more time again,
I'm all over you.
I'm not over you.
This life is way too short
to get caught up in all this stuff
when I just want you to love me back,
why can't you just love me back?

Why can't you just love me back?
(why can't you, why can't you)
Why can't you just love me back?
(why can't you, why can't you)
Why can't you just love me back?
(why can't you, why can't you just love)

I gotta feel you in my bones again,
I'm all over you.
I'm not over you.
I wanna taste you one more time again,
I'm all over you.
I'm not over you.
This life is way too short
to get caught up and all mixed up
when I just want you to love me back,
why can't you just love me back?

Why won't you just love me back?

Why can't you just love me back?

This is such a gorgeous song.  I could listen to it forever.  Hihihi.  Anyway, I've been rewatching a lot of Audrey Hepburn films.  Did I ever mention that my favorite Audrey Hepburn film is Sabrina?  OMG.  Bogie's so darn cute there.  I can't believe I used the word "cute" to describe Humphrey Bogart.  What is wrong with me?  Anyway, baaaasta.  Hehehe.

I'm enjoying my sem break so far.  I don't have to wake up early or go to school on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday.  I don't have to see anyone I frigginly hate and loathe.  I don't have to pretend I'm happy with the people I would rather see dead and suffering.  (Man, when did I become so mad with the world?  I seriously need to go to a happy session or something.  I got to chill the fuck out.  Seriously.)  Don't get me wrong, there are about 4 people I miss in that hell-begotten place but that's that.  ANYWAY, carrying on, I could fucking laze around the house and no one would care.  Well, come to think of it, that's not entirely true.  My dad's pushing me to read biology and calculus books.  For the love of God, can he please give me a month to relax.

So, anyway, I want to finish watching Supernatural's season 4 but my mom sort of forgot where she put it.  And, since she's not in the house most of the time, I don't know where I could find it. Jodie said na naunahan na daw ako ni Racielle sa panunuod.  :))  Hay hay.

K.  Whatever.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kiss My Sass.

So, it's my other lover's 32nd birthday today.

Happy birthday Gabe Saporta.  You are such a gorgeous person.  I want to make beautiful babies with you.  KBYE HAHAHAHAHA. =))

Random Fact: I had a phase where I wanted to dress up just like him.  =))  K.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Swear That She's The One. ♥

So, yeah, I guess I was right.  It was my hormones talking yesterday.  After 10 hours of sleep, I'm a hell lot better now.  Mehehe.

I watched GGS05E1 & Episode 2 today.  OMG.  It's freakin' amazing.  I was bracing myself for disappointment but it didn't happen.  The first episode was so gorgeous.  And, can I just say that I totally ship Dan and Blair?  Why can't Dan be the father of Blair's child?  God.  I hope this season wont end in, uh, letdown.

ANYWAY, listen to this song:

I promise it's not suicidal and emotional.  It's amazing and beautiful and gorgeous.  Heeheehee.


Friday, October 7, 2011


Thank you Jesus because it's the end of the semester today.  I wouldn't be seeing anyone for a month!  A MONTH!  Is it weird because that makes me 98% happy?  I want to take a break from everyone at school because of some reasons I am not free to state.  God, I wish I could just evaporate so I could stop seeing them forever.  ANNNNNYWAY, YAY!  The first semester's over!  God, give me OK grades, please.

..  And, thank YOU, you freakin' son of a bitch, because you're very willing to sell me out.  What an asshole.  Get bent, douche.

I think it's my hormones talking.  Dear Lord, I don't know what I'm typing.  I'm just tapping and typing away.  I swear, it's my hormones talking.  Or my dead brain.  God, I must sleep now.  Beginning to get a little cranky.