Monday, June 9, 2008

i'm your biggest disappointment

god. tomorrow the senior's will start their monarchy >:)) bwahahahaha. hmmm. although, i'm not as excited as before. i mean, i don't think i'm very ready to go to school. i'm hyperventilating right now.. wait a mo.. ok, i'm back. i just need to settle things down with my brain. i need to breeeathe :)

so, today, we went to brains to get the results of my simulation exam. when my parents saw the result -- my mom was furious. ugh. i did tell her not to expect high grades. hmm. i bet she didn't take my warning seriously. oh well. her loss. i told her for the umpteenth time that i am not my brother so i am not as, ahem, smart as him.

shit. i can't stop but think about college. i'm so scared and nervous and unsure.. i mean, honestly, i want to shut up about school stuff already. but every time i type or write or speak, the first few sentences that're formulated in my mind is this: god. where will i pass? should i really go to college?

i should probably stop ranting now because i still have some MSA quizzes and homeworks to do.

:) see you tomorrow. i'm tuper duper freaking out!

song: from autumn to ashes' autumns monologue :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

hang on there, honey

yey! first post for the month of june! :)) i've missed blogging, honestly. yipeee! a couple of more days and school's going to start! i know most of you are groaning and mumbling and cursing because you don't want to go to school yet -- don't include me there. i'm excited as hell! i'm going to see you guys again! i'm going to see the, um, beautiful teachers again -- and the best part is: we're seniors! we'll rule the campus! >:)) hahaha. kidding. oh my god. we're seniors..

did you know that i'm really freaking out about college? my parents expect a lot from me! although i did tell them that they shouldn't expect a lot. i mean, i'm not my brother, so, my grades might not be, um, sufficient to make it to u.p. (my dad graduated there so he said that i should relax because making it to u.p. is like finding a grain of rice in a haystack. my mom, on the other hand, is very pushy. i think she's bitter :)) she didn't pass the upcat) *sigh* i do want to pass the upcat :| i just want to prove that i can be as good as my brother :|

so, i'm going to take fourth year lessons seriously (hopefully) i'm going to study my ass off and make sure that i have high grades (or anything bearable. no line of 7 please..)

on a very different topic, i miss my brother :| despite the cheers i make when he's getting ready for school -- sadly, i miss him :| it's kind of lonely when he's not around. i mean, most of the times, he's the only one in the house talking to me. yeah yeah, he's a brat and everything.. still, i can share things with him that i can never talk about with my parents. that stupid moron, what did he feed me to make me miss him? sheesh.

anyway, did i mention that my hair looks like hell? it's short! too short for my own good! the stupid hairdresser had a lot of fun "trimming" my hair. it's above my shoulder. how short is that??


let's talk some other time. i'm hungry.. must eat..
song: the mixed tape by jack's mannequin :)