Saturday, September 12, 2020

I can't be everything you want me to be

I keep on going back to our last night today. We were driving around, looking for a place to eat dinner at, we were going back and forth because we can't make up our minds. That's us. We're both fickle-minded. I was reading an article about Anna Sorokin, the fake heiress who was able to fool high society. If I knew then what I know now, I would've savored that last night. I would've held your hand and sang some of our favorite car jams. I wouldn't have kept mum to finish reading about someone I don't really give a damn.

I still remember your full-on grins. I still remember where we ate at that night. It was a new place for us. 

It's been 2 years and it still hurts like fuck that you were able to throw everything away. You don't respect me, you take me for granted. I don't what I did so wrong in life that I had to experience all of this shit. The sad thing is I really loved you. You were my best friend.

(Photo not mine. I just found it somewhere on google. Now that's just something I have to always remember.)