Saturday, December 29, 2007

ola! como es tan, senora?

ugh. i'm staring at spongebob's face again. oh my god, i'm getting terribly sick and pissed off at spongebob's "migrating-soon" face. i know i have NO RIGHT to complain since i didn't make this layout.. that's what's so fucked-up, i do NOT know how to change this bloody layout. and no one is patient enough to teach me and to explain to me everything, detail-by-detail. i don't really have any flair or talent in computer-designing stuff..

today is, what, december 29? oh yeah, and it's a saturday.. tomorrow, at 2 a.m. in the morning, we're off to cabanatuan again. to those who are wondering where this tiny piece of land is, it's actually in region 3 (ha, monece, alam ko na!).. we're going to spend new year there because my grandmother's there and she's 80, cranky, annoyingly obnoxious, but contagiously sweet.. she has this "family-thing" and we're supposed to visit her because she gets too sensitive and touchy and she starts saying that we don't love her anymore, and at the age of "young-innocent" 80, we're already starting to forget her existence.. you know, that kind of emotional stuff.. well, because i do love her, i just say "Yeah, Yoyi, we're visiting you naman aah.. Halos every month nga ehh.." she sighs and starts to emote again.. that's the usual scene in my maternal grandmother's case. don't mind me, i'm immune and used to it.

anyway, i'm really serious in memorizing my goddamn lines in Merchant Of Venice.. oh yeah.. i'm in scene 4, i'm shylock -- and i'm the bloody director. don't get me wrong, i didn't volunteer for the job (heck, why would i volunteer for something just to torture myself? i mean, i' not really the most responsible person in the world.. and i can't take the stress, and -- fear..) so, here i am, gnawing my poor-innocent nails because of anxiety and worry, that my groupmates might not memorize their lines or might not take the play seriously.. please, dear God, i'm not being a nerd or something -- i'm just determined to make this play work because the teacher is -- Mrs. Billones. Yes, yes, of all the junior teachers, she's the one i'm, um, respecting the most.. Maybe it's because of the fact that she actually shows concern for iii1. anyway, as i was saying, i'm serious about the play because i'm, um, afraid of mrs. billones (you know, i don't want her to get -- furious)

i want to get back to school. i miss the people :( in this house, yeah, my parents make me laugh a lot, they're very good entertainers, mind. especially my father -- he could create a riot. okay, maybe it's a little exaggerated but i'm serious about him being a good entertainer. ha! some of his jokes are damn funny, and some, they're plain corny -- and because of the 100% corn in that corny joke, it makes me laugh..

then again, in terms of corny jokes, no one -- NOBODY could beat Sir DM. :)) there's this time when he said that he knows that he's corny.. and here's the 'thinkable' punchline, "Pero kayo.. you're a young corn!" WAHAHAHAHAHA =)). i think, i'm the only one who laughed when he said that because everybody's saying "WEH, sir, corny talaga!" oh well, i like sir because he's corny and he reminds me a lot of my father. (ha! father figure ang gusto ehh no? Neil Gaiman, Johnny Depp..) no, honestly, i just think sir's funny because of his uber-ultra-mega-outofthisworld-corny jokes.

oh well.. advance happy new year, darlings! :)) i might not be able to text you because i might not have any load.. :) i LOVE those who LOVE/s me, those who hates me too.. have a very merry new year. :)

oh yeah, may multiply na ako! i think i mentioned that in my last post? no? oh well, may multiply na ako!! :)) i'm so proud because i'm the one who made it. :D

SONGS: Tal Bachman's "Aeroplane" -- kakaLSS, download nyo.. pati yung song ng Breaking Bejamin, "Forget It".. :)


Friday, December 28, 2007

Merchant Of Venice Alert!

to all my group mates in english -- i just want to remind you and pester you about your role in the play. please don't forget to memorize your lines. Anyway, Fixi texted me and she's asking when are we going to practice.. so, i want to ask you guys if you want to practice and where..


Thursday, December 27, 2007

i HATE you

i'm updating. oh yeeaaaaah.. i'm still blogging, but i'm blogging frequently in my multiply.. HA!! that's an achievement because i signed up in multiply on my own! i can't believe i'm "maturing" already.. yes.. yes.. i have a multiply account =)) don't bother looking for it because it's full of idiotic stuff.. stuff normal persons wouldn't look at twice.

it's already the 27th of december.. a few more days and it would be a brand NEW year. no offense, but i didn't appreciate christmas this year.. for me, it was just an ordinary day.. i didn't even wake up early to see my christmas presents.. when i woke up, i just stared at the ceiling and gave a long sigh.

anyway, let me elaborate Raia's shocking and GLORIOUS gift.. oh yeaaah.. i'm talking about 599 pesos worth of money.. for a christmas present, raia gave me "Fragile Things" by none other than darling, darling, DARLING NEIL GAIMAN!!! i was, well, there's no other way to describe it, stunned when raia texted me saying that she bought me "Fragile Things". At first, it didn't really register because i thought it was on of her jokes.. then, she called me and said that, yeah, she was serious about the book. i told her that if she wants, at least, i'm going to pay half of the book.. she said that it was a christmas gift.. so, i'm just telling anyone who ever bothers to glance at this blog about raia's gift. :)

the bad part (okay.. maybe it's not really 'bad') is that my grandmother also bought me "Fragile Things" because EVERYONE in my family knows my UNDYING love for Neil Gaiman.. so, as a christmas gift, my grandmother bought me that book.. now, i have TWO brand new Fragile Things book.. my father told me that i could easily give away one of the books (i think he was indicating that i give away one of the books to my brother.. no way, jose) i gave my father a firm "NO" and i said that i would use the othr book to stare at Neil Gaiman's KISSABLE face.. (hahaha)..

oh weell.. advance merry new year guys. :)

SONG: Forget It courtesy of the Breaking Benjamin.. Oh yeah!! i LOVE this SONG!! the first time i hear it.. it gave me the 'zzzziiiiiiiing'.. it goes: how can i believe when this cloud hangs over me? you're the part of me that i don't want to see..


Saturday, December 15, 2007

i'm losing grip

last tuesday, i fell asleep while taking the long test in algebra.. i was really comfortable sleeping when i had a dream that i slipped on the stairs that i made an involuntary jerk of the shoulders.. that movement caused mrs. blanco to go to me and tap me on the cheek.. i gave a sheepish smile and tried to "focus" on my exam.. ugh. do you know why i'm so out of my mind that day? i drank/drunk medicine for the goddamn mosquito bites the stupid mosquitoes did to me.. it was so annoyingly itchy i was scratching like hell!

i'm losing grip..

oh yeah, try vera wang.. be a princess!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


i like it better when I'm alone while doing my 'stuff', which means, dimwit, typing my post. Thirty minutes ago, my father was sitting beside me tottering his laptop -- i can't possibly bare my soul here if my pop's just beside me.. why? because he keeps on glancing and glancing on the monitor.. i think he's making sure i'm not out on a hunt for porn sites.. the suspicious daughter.. i mean, whatever, are they taking it seriously every time i tell them that i want an FHM? don't they know the difference between a joke and a serious-refined statement? UGH. or maybe my paranoia's in it's peak again.. either of the two..

yes, yes, i know that i tend to be a paranoid. i can't help it. is it my fault that i constantly fear that someone out there is just waiting for the opportune minute to kill me? to rip my body limb by limb? to cut my neck and watch the blood surge down my body which, i must say, is a temple of God? ugh. the thought of my body being ripped limb by limb is -- upsetting and kind of inhuman. i mean, heck, imagine some psycho out there who's waiting for a 'cute' person (ahem.. i was joking!) to walk by so he could cut her/his throat and drink it? UGH. the thought is REPULSIVE. gross. why did i even raise this topic?

distracting as it may sound, i'm actually, er, fond of gory stuff. well, not something that i would initiate.. but, blood-stuff in movies.. you know, that kind of stuff. my mom said it's sadistic and improper for a young 'lady' to be obsessed (god! why can't i spell obsessed properly?!) with those kind of things. i told her that i'm just interested and fascinated on, um, that -- things.

don't worry, though, i'm not going to eat you up or anything.. i just love it in MOVIES, dork.

i'm sleepy.. i'm going to update sooner than you say 'HEY'.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

december's so exciting -- NOT

ok, i'm not really excited about the fact that three more weeks and it's christmas day again.. call me bitter or whatever but i just don't feel the 'euphoric' holiday spirit. :S

i am still freaking out about what happened last wednesday. it was the first time i saw sir macky mad -- snap, just like that! god, i didn't mean to abuse his, um, lenient-type-thingy attitude.. i mean, i was really just out for a drink and, well, let's just say i got distracted by the rope/string/whatever from the third floor..

i am having a brand new life, a fresh start this year. aren't you guys proud of me? Last year i had a notebook-full of 'bad behavior' reports -- this year, so far i only have three! yeah, sure, ok.. maybe for you it's a small thing -- but for me, that's a BIG thing because it actually means I'm improving. scratch the 'i' in improving and make it a capital 'I'..

i heard that the outbound would be on January11.. and the WHOLE BATCH is going to be there.. now, that's EXCITING.. i'm not just going to be with iii1.. I'm also going to be with ii1!!! yay!!!

shoot.. i can hear gun shots.. ugh.. the earth is eating me up. i don't want to diiiieeee!!! don't let mother earth take me.. HELP.

i'm going crazy here :S

song: The Fourth Drink Instinct by Cute Is What We Aim For.. dear god, this song is also CUTE.. get it? Cute as in Cute is what we aim for??

Sunday, November 25, 2007

being annoyingly weird is -- GENETIC

oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah.. i can tell you that it's oh-so true..

true to my holy title, i think i know where i've gotten my eccentric side.. This afternoon, I was busy surfing the net when my father sat down beside me and my brother, got out his guitar and started to sing his lungs out.. My brother and I exchanged weirded-out looks, spared our father one look of disdain before heaving a very looooooong sigh. After ten minutes or so, my father stopped singing, coughed and said, "That's it for my first set, thank you.. I'll be back."

Now, before dinner, he got out his guitar again, sat down on the couch and said, "Because of popular demand, I am back for my second set." Do you know what makes it so-damn hilarious? It's his seriousness! He was so serious with his 'famous-guitarist' fantasy I had to LAUGH! it was really funny.. I mean, heck, my brother and i were telling to please shut up because his singing was really excruciatingly annoying and then he goes, "Because of popular demand.." I was laughing so hard, tears came down my cheeks..

Anyway, we had our interaction last monday and it was F-U-N!! I never thought that I would enjoy the interaction but, oh well.. FUN, it was.

Our outbound is scheduled this week, on thursday. Although I am not as thrilled as before because DORILIE is not going to be there :(

Oh yeah.. Rona's right, Neil Gaiman's here -- in goddamn Subic.. WHY??? Isn't be going to check out Manila again? Because I'm willing to cut school just to see him..

I'm having a little trouble with my religion requirements.. I think I have to go check it out..

SONG: Prayer Of The Refugee by Rise Against. ANG GANDAAAAA!!!!

being weird is -- genetic

i'm using my father's laptop so i'm kind of in a hurry.. anyway, wow, i'm updating for the second time this month! HAHAHA..

true to my title, being weird is GENETIC.. you should've seen my father singing his lungs out a while ago.. This afternoon, i was busy surfing the net and he sat down beside me and my brother, got out his guitar and he started singing.. My brother and I gave him one look of disdain before heaving a looooong sigh.. he had to stop after ten minutes because we had to prepare to go to church..

Now, a while ago, my father said "Because of popular demand, I am back for my second set.." and he started singing again. He can be annoying, but this time it was so damn HILARIOUS!!! I was really, really laughing.. tsk tsk..

Anyway, we had our interaction last monday.. it was FUN. hahahaha.. God, the guys are sooooo tall I felt like a small fish with sharks..

Hopefully, we'll have our outbound this week.. Although i am not as thrilled as before because DORILIE's NOT going to be there :( Still, 770 pesos is 770 pesos..

My posts are not lengthy but Rina's still writing it.. Same difference..

And, oh yeah, do you know that my liquid-intake this weekend consists of sodas? From Pepsi to Coke to 7-up?? I'm doing this for the pitak-shootak.. Currently, I have 20 something cans..

Another bullshitty topic is Neil Gaiman being in subic. why is he goddamn there?! Isn't he going to come to Manila?! WHY!! I am willing to surrender EVERYTHING -- ANYTHING for NEIL GAIMAN!!! :((

SONG: Prayer of the refugee by Rise Against..

Saturday, November 10, 2007

i'm coming out of my cage and i've been doing just fine..

shoot.. there was only one post for october? damn it.. anyway, this would be my first, and hopefully not the last, post for november. November is going to be a very hectic month --- retreat, interaction, outbound.. anyway, kahit sobrang late na i just want to comment on ii1 and friend's halloween party -- ansaya, na-enjoy ko. lalo ko na-miss ii1..

then, i want to say more things about our retreat yesterday.. it was not as tear-jerking as last year.. don't get me wrong --- masaya yung retreat, i enjoyed it especially when we're supposed to sleep but, ahem, sino ba talaga ang nakikinig kaagad sa rules? hahahaha. the retreat house was humongous, our room was ok except for the fact that it only has one air-condtion, one electric fan and, three cubicles without showers. i'm not sure, hindi ako sa room namen naligo -- nakipaligo ako sa kabilang room. doon, the bathroom was spiffing. it was huge and it has a lot of mirrors (since when did i care about mirrors?? spooky..)and cubicles and it actually has a shower (the shower rooms, that is).. the food (how can i not talk of food when it is obvious i simply adore them?).. i guess it was ok, you guys can ask for secont to third helpings of a viand or something if you want.

hahahaha. i reflected and -- i'm still the same -- with less "F*uck's" and "sh*t's".. hahaha

oh. and one more thing, guys, mga pari ang nag-hahandle non -- ingat kayo.. temptation. hahahaha. i was actually joking.

SONG: although i'm not a fan and this song is a little old, i'm singing Mr. Brightside by The Killers.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

i don't aim to please

i'm updating for the month of october! lame pa ang post na ito kasi wala akong inspiration :D hahaha. atsaka wala talaga ako sa sarili ngayon. lame-oh. i don't aim to please --- i aim to write. what i want.. kaya dahil bangag ako, give me more patience. :D

it was our PALIHAN day yesterday and it was --- ok. i couldn't complain because i was not really, really, really, really involved in teaching the young naughty kids, i was more like an extra. From time to time, I would give comments then the storyteller would carry on Noah's Arc story. Sorry Odessa, Mamita, Ann.. Sino pa ba? Kumain lang ako ng kumain ehh.. You know the store near the daycare? I went there 5 times to buy big bang or soft drinks.. etc. hahaha. sorry kung walang focus.

in the afternoon we had our first supervised (is the term supervised? no idea..) practices. We crawled at the lawn, I looked like a mud monster. The bad part was the stationery/stationary was closed so I couldn't buy a new shirt. So, when we went to centerpoint, I told my mom that she should buy me a shirt because i look like some kind of dirtbag.

i'll write something more wort-reading when i come to my senses.


song: Gone So Young by Amber Pacific.. woooohoooo!!!! go!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

answer me, please?

holy schumck! holy son of a gun.. whatever..

i'm almost finished reading 'American Gods' -- it's a freaking, chair-clutching, heart-gripping, time-stopping novel.. I'm enjoying it. :P

life is mysterious. Believe me, we will all die without solving half of the mysteries thrown all around this filthy world we're enjoying. Mystery is a part of life we can not erase or dissolve entirely. It is a part of us, like our hearts that's beating continuously -- unless someone stops it. One shot? You know what's unfair? When we die, mystery is still there -- walking the lonely grounds we have visited when we were still breathing. Well, maybe it's not really unfair -- because the wholly existence of Mystery is a mystery itself. Our existence, in my opinion, is even a mystery. Why do we have to breathe? Why do we have to live? Why do we have to pain our backs just to get hold of a non-existing future? Ok, there's future for some -- but it's not for all.

Mystery is a ticket to complicate Life. Then again, life will be too-damn boring without a good dose of mystery.


SONG: Crystal ball -- aaaaaw.. naalala ko ii1 ditoooo..

Saturday, September 22, 2007

roses are red, blood stinks --

a wisp of something cold penetrated my lungs, it was a sweet-smelling scent --- something you wouldn't forget immediately. I turned around to follow the nostalgic and fragrant smell and I realized that I was actually in an unknown place where big and bloody-red roses bloom..

I smiled and I tried to reach for one of the red-as-blood roses.. but, the flowers shied away from my hands, as if my very touch would poison them.. I frowned slightly. And, inside my head I was saying to the flowers that I would never, never hurt them.

The humongous and the bloodiest rose in the garden growled as if he was reading my mind, he said that the very red in them is actually the blood of my enemies pricked to death.

I hesitated then I narrowed my eyes, "Enemies? What Enemies?"

A tiny rose with a deep shade of magenta raised its twig as if humoring me, "Did you feel the chilly air? It's the wind telling you how cold and cruel you are to everybody. It's your conscience bothering you, telling you how brutal you are, how your merciless and savage ways hurt the people you love. It's your soul pestering you about the inhuman things you've committed. Isn't that 'enemy' enough?"

I tried to reason out with them. I tried to tell them that I have never, in my whole existence, harmed a fly. I have never, I told them desperately, killed anyone or anything.

it would've been easier to wrestle an elephant because my protests were drowned with icy looks and a don't-fuck-with-me glares.

I tried to reach for the flowers again but the humongous and bloodiest rose shot me an obscene look and yelled, "Don't touch anyone of us, you filthy mongrel! You've already spread enough dirt, thank you."

i opened my mouth to retort but i realized that i can't really say anything because i do not know, for some strange reason, who i am.. So, i closed my hanging mouth stupidly.

"Shut you up, eh?" asked a worn-out looking rose with a heavy British accent.

I nodded, "I don't know who i am -- who i was. But," i hesitated for a fraction of a second before saying "But, I know that I didn't hurt anyone. I couldn't. I wouldn't.."

I know that there's a desperate tone in my voice and I strained myself from smacking my forehead because of the pathetic way i sounded.

The flowers laughed. A rich and jolly laughter. They laughed and laughed and laughed until their leaves hurt and crystallized blood poured out from their petals. Even with the sight of blood, they laughed and laughed and laughed some more. Their twigs began to snap, their stems began to crack, they began to go white as the blood, some crystallized and some liquid, started to drip from their petals. They started to feel ill --- they started to feel as if someone's pulling them from the Earth's muddy and nurturing soil. But even if they're becoming limp, they continued to laugh as hard as they can..

They laughed until there was silence.

I looked around the darkness and I felt scared because of the stillness around. I gave a shaky whisper, "Hello?"

silence. There was no reply. It was no problem, I didn't expect to get any.

But as I made my way out of this unknown and hell-begotten place, I smelled another sweet-smelling scent and I heard a soft but joyless giggle.


Odd eh? The one you've read or glimpsed at is not a dream. I actually wrote that when I'm supposed to be studying for Religion. :P Anyway, I like it. I like odd stuff..

I know that some people think I'm weird and.. I don't really deny it. I sleep with my bed in the middle of the room because rat's might jump on me from the cabinets or from the ceiling --- until my brother pointed out that rats don't jump or fly. (But honestly, I think this borders more on paranoia than weirdness.)  When I was younger, I would put a lot of baby powder on my face and on every inch of my body, thinking that my brown skin would turn white --- until my father explained genetics to me at a very early age (I don't really think he knows that I couldn't understand a single word he's saying back then..)

In my own perspective, everyone has an oddity within the depths of their beings that they're just afraid to show. Well, quite frankly, when you think about it -- it's their oddity that makes them unique. It's our own weirdness that sets us apart from other people.

I'm not telling anyone to believe me or agree with me. This is just a matter of opinion and this happens to be my blog..  Which means I'm always going to be right!  Hahahahaha!  Weh.

So, shake that roundly bottom of yours and dance, dance, dance..

Anyway, back to what I'm saying --- I like the one I wrote. Who would've thought roses could be so mean? Since, roses are always used to show love, love, yidih yadah, love -- i tried to write something about it in a different perspective..


SONG: Jenny by the click 5

Sunday, September 16, 2007

dreams, sins, posts..

i was walking on a dark hallway full of candles and for some strange reason -- stamps.. anyway, i was walking and i was calling out names.. i was asking if anybody could hear me. i was asking where the hell am i. i was asking if this is just a stupid illusion. then, there was a girl who called me.. i ran towards her but she was gone.. i called her, asking her who she was.. i found a door near me, i tried to reach the door knob but i was already awake..

sigh. another useless dream.. i often have weird dreams, that's why i always forget to get scared and freaked-out.. but, this one.. i've been dreaming about this one for weeks and i can't get myself to open the fucking door.. oh well..

it's already september!!! yihaaaa.. christmas is approaching. :P the second quarter exams are fast-approaching too.. ugh.

it was PALIHAN last friday.. and i'm just about to tell you my views.. ang sikip noong place na pinuntahan namen.. kasi 71 students ang pinapunta ng teacher.. kaya ayon, it's so hard to teach those little kids. i mean, the space is very limited and there are 71 crying/babbling/teasing/fighting/eating/sweating/drinking/talking/laughing/staring kids.. how dehydrating and exhausting can it be? let's just think that we're devoted religion/science/math/etc teachers..

hmmm.. sila jodie at odessa at eryel at si ampy din pinagtutulungan akoooo.. pati si pipi sumasama sa kalokohan nilaaa.. nakooo.. sn sn sn sn sn sn sn.. sinless nook ang ibig sabihin nyan. right jodie? hahaha. anlabo.. para ngang ironic pa yung naging dating.. tae.. joke lang.. :D

speechless. undoubtedly speechless.. bye bye. :D

SONG: tae.. until now i'm singing 'when we die' by bowling for soup.. may pagka-senti kaya to, diba? basta nakakapanibago sakanila..

Friday, September 7, 2007

fear and some chivalry

I may be an eternal pessimist, I understand ---- I always look at the bad things that’s going on in my life. I may even be the most arse-headed person in the country ---- I don’t really know what’s wrong with me.. Don’t worry, I’m not a complete psycho ---- I can talk some sense sometimes. Anyway, being a naysayer isn’t really fun ----- I get scared because of some gobbledygook reason.. I get worried because of nothing in particular ---- is there something completely wrong with me?
Writing something like this is really tear-jerking.. Yeah, ok.. Ang babaw.. But, for someone like me who tends to laugh at school at all times and who acts as if there’s nothing wrong even if my brain is battling with the things that I am very much afraid to pour out ---- this is one big piece of the most expensive cake in the world that I’m sharing.. I don’t say these sentimental and syrupy stuff for people to pity me, I say this because I am being honest.
In my opinion, being afraid is not a reason to feel entirely incompetent. I am not saying that out of forlorn understanding, I am saying that because that’s that.. I’m not sure I’m making myself quite understandable, but for those who can actually understand the language I’m saying ---- yeeehaaaa.. But, for those who can’t ---- please bear with me.. Or you could stop reading right now. :D Everybody fears something.. The richest man in the universe could fear bankruptcy, the prettiest and youngest person could fear aging and a sagging body, the most powerful could fear ---- defeat. And, yet ---- not everyone’s truthful enough to admit it.
FEAR ---- is a small word with big and humongous meaning. FEAR is easy enough to spell but hard enough to understand. FEAR can come easily but can’t be discarded effortlessly. Fear can make someone do the most stupid and unbelievable thing in life, but fear can also drive someone to conquer it and extinguish it forever. Such complicated thoughts for a simple word..
I don’t really know how to snuff out fear.. I don’t even know how I could vanquish my fears! There are many things that I am afraid of.. I’m afraid of dogs, big-time. I’m hydrophobic, as I’ve openly shared.. And, I’m actually scared of people I like saying their comments behind my back ---- if there’s anything, anything at all that you hate about me, tap me or even slap me if that would make you feel better ---- then, after giving me a good bruise, kindly tell me what I did to you that made you slap me that hard. Well, if you hate me because I have pimples or because I’m fat ---- it would be really hard for me to change that because, you know, it’s really hard to undergo complete ‘abstinence’ ---- it’s like what Garfield AKA Jim Davis said… It’s ‘DIE with a T’.. Get it? Diet? DIE with a ‘T’? Hahahaha.. But, I’m really serious about dropping some fucking weight.
Honestly, I may look stupid and really oblivious and unconscious of what’s going on around me but I do accept straight-forward frankness. Let God be the center of your life ---- hahahaha.. Anlabo na..
Electromagnets do zap.. Says who? Who knows, but being the electromagnet [whatever that is.. Do you that I didn’t know that there’s really a word such as ‘electromagnetosis’? I was oh-so proud because I thought that I invented a word.. Then, my brother typed ‘electromagnetosis’ and he pressed enter.. My blog wasn’t even on the list.. Turns out, there really is an electromagnetosis-word..] that I am, I say that it zaps. One zap and you’re dead.. It’s very strong, you know. It produces enough nuclear energy to dissolve the whole world! When it’s beginning to feel powerful ---- some sweet-smelling, syrupy, buttery, smoke comes from the tip of the electromagnets.. And, when it starts to get angry ---- say your prayers because it can sting and mash you into pieces with just one zap! Poof!
*The last paragraph is a fictitious fiction, but, fiction it may be, I am serious about ‘electromagnetosis’ being a real word.
SONG: Probably, it'll be '1985' by Bowling For Soup.. I was singing it all week.. ....Madonna, way before Nirvana, there was U2 and Blondie... Ok.. tama na.. :p

Friday, August 31, 2007

the makings of a weird dreamer -- or maybe i'm just born that way..

today is the last day of august, and if you're looking at the date on the upper right corner, i just have to inform you that the fucking date is -- WRONG.. I have no idea why.. I've been clicking here and there to make the time and the date correct, but the little devil is very determined to stay that way..

i have a dream.. maybe it's kind of odd -- still.. you know, when i die, i want to meet a mermaid. yeah, stupid, eh? i want to meet a mermaid with long golden-blue hair, i want to hear her sing a joyless and poignant song, i want to know what they do down there.. i want to feel their hands -- if it's cold or warm.. i want to touch their tails.. i want to meet a mermaid..

feel like laughing? please do. i am very much aware how stupid my 'mermaid-dream' is.. but, i actually think that it's pretty cool to live in the sea or in the ocean.. i think it's very interesting to be able to breathe own there -- you see, i'm hydrophobic. ok, not really, really, really afraid of water but the very-deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep-kind of water.. if you're thinking that because of my bizarre dream i don't take a bath -- i actually do take a bath. i'm not that afraid of water..

ok.. let's just forget i said anything. you can just pretend you never read any of these -- save me.. hahaha..

i'm emotionally unstable at the moment because i have my period.. so, i'm saying 'sorry' now to those who are pretty much pissed off with me. i have this really heavy flow and it's making me really feel uneasy and moody.. sorryyyy.. :D

make me weirder when i'm there.. ok? cheers..

SONG: who doesn't like 'Jenny' by the click five? I actually think click five is much, way much better now when kyle patrick is the vocalist rather than that eric dill. just compare those faces!! who would pick eric dill over kyle?? ok.. whatever.. hahahahaha

Friday, August 24, 2007

10 stupid months of fucklore..

10 stupid months of sleepless and dying fucklore.. *I don't really think there's a word such as 'fucklore' -- i made that all up.. pardon the bad mouth -- it's already 10 months since i told myself that I'm going to change -- big surprise, 10 months, I'm still here.. same old me.. same old worthless me..

i was surprised that there are no classes tomorrow -- i really expected mrs. sacdalan to announce that there's going to be classes tomorrow to make-up for the lost days.. i was totally stunned when she didn't mention anything about that.

i've been updating frequently this month -- i'm even awed. i don't really want to abandon this blog -- especially if someone else made an account for me.. cheers, lourdes :D

for the term paper -- odessa and i are going to write something about anansi boys.. cheers.. she's borrowing my book right now and i can't really blame her for not participating in any of our conversations because she's 'hooked' to the book. who can't blame her? it's neil gaiman's book we're talking about! neil gaiman -- one of the hottest writers in the world.. too bad he's married.. why do i always get obsessed with married or stagged guys or straights?

i have nothing more to say -- unless you tell me something really stunning -- i'll definitely post it. hahaha.. my one great ambition is to see my name on the newspaper -- decent newspaper, mind. About something good.. hahahah.. why did this fucking topic suddenly spurt out of nowhere? weird..

SONG: really.. naLSS ako dahil kinakanta ni raia ang 'Anthem of Our Dying Day'.. ayon.. ang tagal na nya pero hanggang ngayon memorize ko padin sya?? demo? gusto ko pag-kaharap na kita. :D

Monday, August 20, 2007

they can't break me -- as long as i know who i am

well, obviously, i'm in one of the 'moods' to update this hell-begotten blog. my last post was about wishing that there are no classes.. the classes, as we all know, have been suspended last wednesday until friday and now it's a monday -- and it's a holiday so there are still no classes.. to be brutally frank, i missed school because i was bored.. bored.. bored.. fucking boooooreeeed.. the good things during no-classes days are as follows: you can stay up late and wake up late, you can wake up in the middle of the night and do whatever decent thing you want, you can sleep again and sleep again and sleep again.. fun.. I LOVE SLEEPING!!!

anyway, i have this strong feeling that there will be classes tomorrow..

the other day -- i couldn't go to raia's party -- i was so effing mad at the storm/typhoon/tsunami.. whatever.. i even planned what to wear! fucking egoy/egay..

yesterday, we went to robinson's pioneer and i saw STARDUST!!! hahahaha!! i bought it without much further hesitation because it's just so hard to finddddd!!! i also bought one for raia.. :D i suddenly became a neil gaiman fan.. i read Coraline, i borrowed the book from raia -- that time i thought that the story was mentally-disturbing.. then, i borrowed another book from raia -- smoke and mirrors -- this time, i was sure that he's brain was not common, his imagination -- in a good way.. i mean, he could write twisted stories that you won't forget for a week! that's how powerful his impact on me was.. don't get me wrong -- he's a bloody good writer. i've read anansi boy's, good omens, stardust, yeah -- Coraline, and the short stories from smoke and mirrors and i'm currently finishing neverwhere.. Writer's like Neil Gaiman doesn't/don't come often -- so if one discovers such a writer -- he or she must try to collect all the author's book! -- that's what Raia and I are trying right now.. but, his books are very hard to find, mind you..

SONG: hahahaha.. "I'm Still Here" you know.. from the Treasure Planet Movie.. This is a bloody sad song.. 'Cause I want a moment to be real.. wanna touch things I don't feel, wanna hold on and feel I belong.. :D

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

our story, our life.. who am i..? huh?

it was a bitter and rainy day -- i woke up feeling gloomy because of the sad and weak weather.. i went inside the study room to take a look at my pe project.. the gymnastic-twist-your-limbs-thing.. i sat down with a very long sigh.. i began to draw stick figures in different and weird postions -- after debating with my self that i can't possbily contort myself with those positions -- i erased it, cursing and furrowing my eyebrows.. when i noticed that's it's almost 5:30, i decided to wash my self, and get ready for school.. boring..

so we went to school, me carrying a bunch of school books used for props, cursing again because i don't like the ominous and extremely dismal weather that's giving me the creeps.. i went inside the car and sat down.. ok, so it's obvious that i'm supposed to be sitting down because i can't possibly go inside the car standing up.. whatever.. anyway, we reached STC and my father sort-of panicked because i was not in a hurry to go down and it was starting to rain.. i went to the stairs, my eyebrows close together it felt like it was stitched that way -- i went inside the classroom and the feeling of melancholy evaporated at the sight of the classroom -- don't ask me, i don't have any fucking idea why.. maybe it's because i'm inside the school already..

i was inside the classroom and i took a piece of bondpaper to finish my wretched and late requirement for TLE.. I hastily pointed out the importance of talking about human sexuality and being aware of it -- it could help avoid premarital sex and unwanted pregnancies. Then -- Jodie came, we talked about someone then I think asked if Raia's in their classroom already -- Mackee said she was there.. I dropped my pen and went to iii-6 classroom.. I stayed there until the bell started to ring..

the thing that made my day euphoric is the announcement that classes have been suspended.. don't pretend to be sad.. I know everybody's exultant because the classes, er, have been suspended..

anyway -- we don't have classes tomorrow.. cheers.. okkkkk.. so, for the people out there who's actually depressed because there are no classes -- i'm extremely sad for you.. too bad, mother earth is starting to teach us our lessons.. We can't call it 'fate' or 'destiny', though.. Because in MY opinion -- we weave our own story, we fabricate our own life, we make the person we are.. Call me mental or anything.. it's just how it is..

SONG: I'm actually feeling sad again because i listened to 'What Sarah Said' -- everytime i hear that song -- the euphoria i'm feeling vanishes.. no idea..

Friday, August 3, 2007

my stroke of inspiration came!!!!

i know that this blog sucks. i haven't been updating.. firstly, if i want to update -- i want my imagination swarming all around me so i can type/write without any hindrance.. secondly, i want long and lengthy posts.. but since all i've managed to post last july were arse-worthy posts, i stopped for a while.. i need a stroke of inspiration to have me typing again.. and, it came!!! it came.. :D

i finally finished the last Harry Potter book!!! hahahaha!!! it's a bloody great achievement for me because the only thing i've managed to read from lara's book was the epilogue part.. and now --- now.. after months and months and months of waiting -- i know the whole story. I KNOW!!!!! wahahahahaha!!! weeeell.. that cuts it -- i did finish the book but i was actually sort of disappointed because it would be the last book about Harry.. i liked the story kasi ehhhh.. it made me think that some things may not be impossible at all.. i used to believe that magic exists -- this was before the HP era..

when i was about four to nine years old -- i believed in magic. i think it started with the movie 'Matilda' from Roald Dahl's book.. i would often scruch up my face and imagine that i'm beheading my enemy [during those times -- my brother.. i don't really think that Matilda beheaded her parents, though.. i think she was more of the flying-objects-thingy-magic..] anyway, i was just waiting for the 'magic' within me to come. i would pray to God every night without fail, reminding him about my magic powers, begging him to finally give some -- even bits to me. i still remember the dozens of coins i dropped in many different wishing wells -- all bearing the same wish: that i receive my powers. i don't really know what i would do if i had the magic powers -- during those years, i would imagine myself talking to mermaids and being able to swim without holding my breath, and playing with fairies and buying all the toys in toy stores -- well, mostly dolls.. i don't really know what made me snap back to reality.. i can't really remember why i stopped wishing for the magic within me to appear -- maybe i got too old.

when i remember it now -- i can't help but smile. i mean, i was stupid enough to believe that magic exists.. heck, i even prayed for it. so.. it was a nice feeling about harry potter -- it's like my prayers were in that book.. even if it didn't talk about my bit of fantasy about playing with fairies..

anyway.. the series was finished.. sighhh..

this post is a damn longer one than last month..

SONG: I Will by The Beatles. I adore this. It was the first song my brother memorized and acted.. cheers..

Saturday, July 21, 2007

baptized in the river --- i've seen a vision of my life and i want to be delievered.. :D

hmmmm.. this is my first post for the month of July.. I've decided to update my blog because it looks stupid.

anyway.. many things happened this month... we had two or three different seating/sitting arrangement.. we had a mass last thursday.. we had a test on chem.. we had a test on algeb.. and we're going to have a test on monday in geom..

Jodie wants to be a liver.. hahahaha.. joke.. i like her shoes a lot.. so, we exchanged shoes last thursday.. i took her shoes home and she took mine.. but -- she went home early yesterday so we have to exchange shoes at an earlier time.. sigh..

i want to write many things but i may get in a huge trouble if a teacher reads this and she sees me cursing a lot.. tut-tut..

i am just upating because i can't find a twinge of inspiration to do my synthesis reflection.. i'm not even sure if the format i'm doing is correct.. i'm trying hard to concentrate on God's given freedom and love..

when will the next SEG happen? I enjoy SEG sessions.. especially now that gale and I are ok.. :D *hahaha.. shit.. naisingit padin ang issue na yon, noh? hahahaha..

i have to say goodbye.. my father's going to wring my neck if he finds out i'm blogging when i still have a reflection to do.. tata.. :D

SONG: The River.. Seriously.. I love this more than GC's other songs.. :D Baptized in the river.. I've seen a vision of my life and I want to be delivered.. In the city was a sinner, I've done a lot of things wrong but i swear I'm a believer.. Like the prodigal son, I was out on my own -- now I'm trying to find my way back home, baptized in the river.. I'm delivered, I'm delievered.. I'm not entirely sure if the lyrics are correct.. still.. :D

Saturday, June 30, 2007

and, on yeah.. guess what..? my butt hurts like hell!

true to my title, my ass really hurts.. You see, after we've been dismissed at 3:10, I've been waiting in gate 1 untill 5:10! I've watched the other students come and go.. And, I was counting the cars passing by.. I was so bored that when my mom finally fetched me, I was really in a foul mood.. The moment I stepped inside the car, I said "Oh, bakit ngayon lang kayo?? Buti nalang naalala nyo pa akong sunduin! I was waiting there for two hours! Pag kayo yung mag-hihintay sobrang galing nyo magalit, tas kayo palagi nalang ako naghihintay!".. I was so angry.. I momentarily forgot that I was talking to my mom..
Hmmmm.. Let me see.. SEG was great!!!!!!!! I love everybody there.. Well.. almost everybody.. Andon kaya si g***!! nako. ayoko talaga ng may kaaway pero nagalit sya sakin ng hindi ko man lang alam kung bakit! naasar tuloy ako.. don't get me wrong, she's nice, kaso minsan nga lang hindi ko magets yung mga sinasabi nya.. hikbi.. kaya ayon.. nitatamad pa ako pumasok. :c
Anyway, yeah, the SEG session was fun.. Hahaha.. Ang kulet -- halos puro third year yung andon.. did I mention that Chezca is the chairperson of our group? Oh yeah! That was a certain sunshine.. Chezca is our chairperson! We're going to nominate her as the president ba or vice? basta isa dun sa dalawa kaso sabi ni ms sila daw ang mamimili ng president and vice.. So, ginawa nalang namen na chairperson si Ms. Bajandi na sobrang inspired sa galing nya mag-PE. hahaha.. I want another SEG session, sana mga whole day na or half day para sobrang sulit.. diba? enjoy pa. :D
yun lang.. hahaha..
SONGS: lahat ng songs sa album ni Sir Rehoy na nangangalang: Forever Pauiie.. Wahahahaha!!!! May quiz sa monday -- aral ng mabute.. :D

Saturday, June 16, 2007

see you when i see you.. :D

after the fiasco in jollibee [kasi umalis kaagad ako..] we [meaning: my mom, my brother and I.. my father has a meeting.. kaya wala sya..] went to galleria.. and as i promised on my other other other other post, we watched OCEAN'S THIRTEEN!! i can't force my mom to watch fantastic four kasi wala syang gusto don [andon si CHRIS EVANS!!! it was his birthday pa nga ng mag open dito sa philippines Fantastic four eh -- june 13], whereas andon si george clooney sa ocean's thirteen..

anyway, i really enjoyed the movie!! hahaha. kasi andon si brad pitt at matt damon. anyway, rusty ryan -- you're NEXT!! hahaha. ewan ko.. after watching ocean's eleven, nahumaling ako kay brad pitt. sabi ni dorilie 'yuck' daw.. ewan. dun ko lng naman sya nagustuhan atska sa ocean's twelve and, yeah, ocean's thirteen.. don't get me wrong, the movie's really nice, you won't get bored.. basta. nakakatawa pa nga ung mga letters ni basher kay reuben eh. basta. hahaha. it's really fascinating how they 'conned' al pacino. antalino.. galing galing.. :D hahaha!

SONGS: we believe by good charlotte.. ewan. nakakaLSS din pala yung song ni sir rehoy. magclap na tayo ng magclap. ano? ano ba talaga? ang tunay na kahulugan ng kasaysayan..!! hahahaha! and oh yeah, into deep by Sum41.. break it down, baby. hahaha -- if you know what i mean..

Sunday, June 10, 2007

what's the worst that i can say? things are better if i stay..

ok.. hmm.. last night we went to the fort because they had a sudden urge to buy doughnuts from krispy kremes.. yeah, yeah.. ok. eat eat eat.. then we went to arlington because someone from the family is dead.

anyway.. classes started last june 06. i freaked out because i was looking like a complete moron. everytime i look at the mirror, i cant help but recoil. yuck. i hate my fucking self.

i just want to update this so that there will be something in my archives.. when something really good happens, i'll make a more meaningful post.

nobody's reading this naman because it's so obnoxious. bye bye. parang ginaya ko lang si chezca.. im only talking to myself. hahaha.

SONG: everybody's changing by keane..

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

one last 'HURRAH!'

so, summer, as much as i hate to say it, is going away -- say bye bye.. 'Bye bye Summer.. Bye bye'..
I had a good long chat with Raia yesterday, she was the only one online so we talked. We talked about me gaining weight blah blah blah, and oh yeah, some other totally fucked up things. And, we did talk about the fucking way the class was reshuffled. If I'm cursing a lot, I'm so sorry. I've been in a totally foul mood since yesterday -- perhaps my period is coming.
We'll see each other tomorrow and I'm not yet prepared -- emotionally prepared. Ugh. I have one favor, though. If you see how grotesque I've become, kindly laugh at my face. I'd rather see you laughing about it in front of me than laughing about it behind my back... besides, it would do good, the laughing, I mean. It would make me feel less sad about my killer whale type of body. Fuck.
I had a good long talk with dorilie too.. Through texting. She makes me smile, as usual. We talked about something concerning an incoming first year we know.. Better watch out. hahahaha! kidding.. I can't wait to see dors.. I bet she's taller now.. Or i didn't even grow this summer. Either of the two.
Anyway.. Bye bye. See you when the sun shines.. :D

SONG: MAroon 5's Make Me Wonder :D

Saturday, June 2, 2007

I'm suffering from 'Losers Lurgy'

ok. So, it's june already and I'm counting down the days 'till we go to school again. To be brutally frank, I'm not that keen to go back to school -- yet. It's scaring the living daylight out of me. Don't get me wrong, I miss taking down notes and cursing because I can't understand the lesson, besides, I miss my friends.. Anyway, I'm just scared.

This post may not make any sense; hence, it's too short.. I just blogged because I don't want to abandon this blog completely. Not after Chezca put some effort on the layout. Oh well. If I have more to say, I'll keep beep-beep.

SONG: it ends tonight by the all american rejects. Can't stop humming this..

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

When darkness turns to light -- it ends tonight..

You know what?

I watched Pirates already!!! Johnny Depp is so freaking hottttt!!!!! Last May 25 was my mom’s birthday.. So, we were there to entertain her and all.. Anyway, we went to Gateway to watch Pirates. I got a little pissed off when they told me all the lazyboys were reserved already.. But, for the sake of my mom, I tried to smile, more of a grimace, really.. And, yeah, ok.. Sure.. I was the one who forced everybody to watch Pirates.. When we found out that the lazyboys are taken already, my mom asked us if we still want to watch Pirates or we could return next week for the lazyboys.. I was like, ‘No way! I’d rather sit on the floor today.. Heck, this is the first week! I want to watch Pirates on the first WEEK!!’ So, there.. We watched Pirates. And, I was happy.. And, it made me shut up..

Hmmmm.. I like Chris Evans.. You know from Cellular and Fantastic Four.. So, watch out Fantastic Four – I’m going to conquer the movie theatre to see Chris!! Hahaha..

Well.. I just realized that we’re going back to school next week.. I am scared as hell.. I mean.. We’re re-sectioned! I don’t want to be re-sectioned.. I feel so bloody helpless thinking about my sweaty palms on the first day of school.. Help me calm my nerves..

SONGS: The All American Rejects’ It ends tonight.. I love this.. I can’t believe they’re singing sort-of slow songs.. And, oh yeah, Maroon 5’s Make Me Wonder.. Mind you, I am NOT a Maroon 5 fan.. I just love Make Me Wonder.. I mean, who wouldn’t?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

hey oh hey

I am so frustrated. See, I mentioned that I am having some tutorials, right? And, this fucking time, I couldn’t answer a goddamn thing right. I was so perturbed that I actually cried. Because of this my good-natured father talked to me.. He told me that cursing and crying [and actually throwing a tantrum..] won’t help me understand what I don’t understand. He said that I should have a positive outlook in life. I was like, “Huh? What’s math got to do with my life?”.. He told me that at the end of the day, I would actually be proud because I finally understood the goddamn thing I couldn’t answer -- all I need is to focus and to persevere. That’s so easy to say.. But it takes ten times the effort to actually do half of it!

To be brutally honest, I feel so upset. Relatives are actually asking me if I’m also going to pursue medicine like my parents -- all I can do is give a sheepish grin and shrug. My mom was -- is discouraging me and my brother to study medicine. She tells us that it’s a total pain in the butt. She needs not worry, my brother is not-- has never been interested in medicine. And, well, as for me, if ever I’m going their way, I’m going to take up psychiatry. Since I was a kid, I find psychiatry interesting [and my father is actually promoting it.. telling me all sorts of things like it’s appealing and fascinating.. I think he wants me to study medicine at all. Shrug.] Anyway, I may not have the brains but I have interest and, ugh, some hard work. Besides, I don’t know what other course to take. Another shrug. It’s a little bit early to talk about that but my parents told me to start thinking now because in two years time, we’re going to be college students already.

I know I totally suck at school. I don’t even know how I got promoted [I meant stepping from first year to second year and now to third year..] Maybe the teachers pitied me. Hahahahaha. Yeah, yeah, I think they pitied me. Pitiful Rina.

Bye bye. See you all on the seventeenth..

I’m going to continue my ASS-ignment now.

SONGS: What Sarah Said is still inside my head and, yeah, Fellowship of the nerd/ by FOB. Everybody’s into FOB lately.. I think if all of the people get to know this band and grip them because of popularity and not because of their songs, I have to scratch them out of my likes. Sort of like MCR. Every person ‘loves’ MCR-- because of popularity, not because of the songs..

Thursday, May 10, 2007

hey oh hey

ok, I absolutely have no idea what to talk about. I’m just typing so that I could get my hands to actually do something. Let me see – oh yeah, election day is near. I’m expecting a blackout to occur that day. I mean, lights, and then ¾ poof!!! it’s out. Then, what to expect next? Ballot switching. Oh yeah. That would be normal, I guess. I mean cheating is normal during Philippine Elections, right? Why would this election be any different?

sigh. stupid, lackluster, boring life. stupid, stupid, stupid. nothing eventful is happening to me right now. I’m just having a very productive and constructive summer. I am sarcastic [there is rarely a time that I’m writing a post happily ¾ I’m usually grumpy or uninspired when I get to update everything..]

let me see.. let me think.. Oh yeah, I’m sort of happy because my brother is out for three weeks. He’s studying physics or something mathematy-ish¾ my parents said that it would help him a lot this coming school year.. I don’t know.. Physics? At thirteen? Extremely boring in my opinion.. Then again ¾ I forgot that math has never been my forte. Anyway, so he’s out and I’m free. That’s more like it! I’m betting on happier days. I mean when he’s in the house, he’s no longer grounded so he’s all day sitting in front of the computer and surfing the net or playing dota or something ¾ I can’t squeeze myself in front of him and tell him to go away and play his PSP or something.. And now ¾ and now the time has come for vengeance and freedom!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

ok, I know I’m getting a little crazy. I just don’t know how to express my supreme pleasure that I’m finally going to be limitlessly ¾ happy? Whatever. sigh. this is truly a wonderful caricature of intimacy. Sounds familiar? I’ll bet a hundred pesos you’re trying to remember where you heard this. Cheers!

Wish that this exhilaration would stay with me in the remaining days of this summer break. To be truthfully honest, I kind of felt depressed the last dew weeks [I think it’s because of my pre-menstrual syndrome/disease.. You know, the sudden switch of emotions.. One minute you’re cheerful, the other minute you’re crying because of a stupid reason, say, a broken rubber slipper.. That familiar feeling gripped me.] Oh well, mood swings are always swinging, right? That’s why they’re called mood swings. Hahahahahahahaha. Get it? Mood-swings? Hahahahhahahahah. Ok, I’ll stop. I’m getting cheesed off with myself too.

bye bye :D

SONG: Crystal Ball by Keane. I used to be obsessed at this song, and now it’s coming back, my obsession, I mean. Cheers, fellas :D

Friday, May 4, 2007

my family [yep. family.. as in father, mother and my brother..] went to metrobar last night to watch bands play my brother and i are the only persons in there accompanie by our parents..] anyway, we saw soapdish, mayonnaise, and join the club.. actually, that's the interesting bands who played last night. andon din ang kapatid -- pero hindi ko naman sila gusto kaya ayun.. hindi ko nalang pinansin..
it was going to be a great night -- i mean, we went to don henricos because i noticed my stomach was empty and i get to over-feed myself and gain a hundred or so pounds again.. and then we went to metrobar na nga tapos i saw join the club's front man wearing mismatched chucks [red on the left and black on the right.. i mean, heck, we were two tables away from the stage so i really saw it.. :D ]and it made me supeeeeeer happy because i was also wearing mismatched chucks [dirty white on the left and black on the right..] it made my parents shut up because they were always telling me that im weird -- hahahaha, eh ayun, nakita nila na ung ngang sa join the club mismatched chucks din ang suot -- and mind you, my mom's a FAN. ayon. natahimik din sya. im not so weird after all..
as i was saying -- it was going to be a very GREAT night. then, may girls na umupo sa table in front of us. they were -- are chain smokers. fuck. i was choking all night and they're very insensitive. i mean, i have nothing against chain smokers [my grandpa was a chain smoker and he's dead already] but, heck, why do they hace to sit in front and smoke smoke smoke?!! all the other people would be smelling and inhaling their smoke. and, just the record, mas nagkaka-lung cancer ang mga nakakaamoy ng smoke. un lang. anyway, so ayun, i really wanted to smack the girls and tell them to fuck off -- i mean, im really pissed off -- ni hindi nga sila nanonood eh! they were just talking and laughing and smoking and drinking beer. they ruined the night. MY night. etoh pa, when we got home, i smell like im the one smoking! amoy cigarette ang shirt ko, ang jeans ko, ang hair ko -- buti nga hindi umabot sa kili-kili eh!! hmpf. we got home at around 3:10am so hanggang ngaun hindi pa ako nakakapaligo -- im going to take a bath after this post :D
anyway, all in all, ok nadin. nakita ko naman ung ipinunta ko dun eh.. shrug.

SONG: something that produces results courtesy of the early november. naLSS ako nagun dito eh..

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I just came home from Batanes because we went to tour it -- and I'm literally exhausted. I’m not really a nature freak but I’ve appreciated the place – it’s a very peaceful place and very refreshing too. :D Cheers

Hmm, ok, let’s see – there’s not really anything to talk about.. Unless you find sitting all day, watching TV or DVD, munching food, and yeah, having tutorials interesting. A total boredom – even for the strictest an most serious old maid in the whole universe who just waits for her water to boil so she could make tea every afternoon [hahahaha, is this person related to you? Just kidding.. Mind you, I have a grandmother who’s sort of-- like this.. I get the inspiration from her.. Cheers :D ]

Anyway, since all you can see in this blog are obnoxious and insufferable posts – I might as well keep up with my repugnancy. Chill. Yeah, yeah, being atrocious has its advantages sometimes. I mean, I don’t even have to pretend that I have tons to talk about! Well, hey, I’m totally mooching here for what? The last fifteen seconds? Well, I don’t really have a damn idea where this post is headed [I’m shrugging, can’t you see?] Classy. Simply chic. Totally amazing. Well, if you’re reading this and you really find this post-- ugh -- horrendous, can you just inform me? i'm really into open-mindedness and -- tagging.. [hahahaha, it's my own wicked way to have you guys tag and actually say something in my tagboard -- is it me or do i sense that someone's raising his/her eyebrows? hahahaha.. Chill..]

On other more tolerant topics -- I am glad to say that my 'freckles' are gone [Yeahhhh.. it's a snortable sentence.. and, if ever you're going to consult a dictionary -- there's no such word as 'snortable' (I think) I just made that up :D Chill nougat anyone?] What am I saying again? Oh yeah -- the 'freckles'!! It's all gone! All 42 of them went gung-ho and left. Now I have a more unsightly face minus the, well, freckles. Cough. Why am I calling my warts freckles? There's one simple reason, actually. Most people when they hear warts [not unless it's hog-warts they're talking baout -- get it? Hog-warts? Hogwarts? Ok, it's corny.. Don't laugh..] they think it's a deadly disease that when you go near that person [the one contaminated by warts] you'll get AIDS or something. Ugh. I mean, hey -- warts are just spots that are very unsightly to look at. Well, since I have none already -- I won't contaminte any of you. Cheers.

On another topic -- a few days more and we're back to school. Isn't that so great [I'm sarcastic..] we're going to have more Math [My favorite subject in the world.. This time I am really derisive. I mean, I'm a total suck-o at that subject.. Just please, please, please allow me to talk that way in here.. I need some comfort, I need to be sardonic to calm my already shaking nerves.. I mean, heck -- what do we got? One month? One more month and it's school time again..] Whoa. Anyway, do you guys know what I do everythime I remember the glorious word 'Math'? i desperately cling to the lyrics of the Math song in the movie 'School of Rock'.. Ok, dig this: Math is a wonderful thing.. Math is a really cool thing.. So get off/up your ath let's do some math.. Math, math, math, math, math...

Seen my last post? About Matt Davies? Well, I didn't get to elaborate his gorgeousness. He is handsome one of a kind front man!! I mean, I have nothing against band vocalists [Fort a fact, before Johnny Depp became a very famous actor -- he was a band vocalist. Labamba.. Dig that..] But, I don't usually dig band vocalists, I'm more of the guitar/bass/drums guy with nose rings :D .. But -- Matt Davies? dig him! But, apparently, he's with someone already. A wife. It's in the lyrics of the song 'Into Oblivion' -- unless it's written by one of his bandmates. It's depressing. Why do I always end up being obsessed with a married guy? Johnny Depp, Billie (It's spelled that way, right?) Joe Armstrong, Alex Band, even Michelle Branch neglected me -- and now, Matt Davies. Oh well.. :D Cheers.

SONGS: good thing I have a new song in my head or all of you may've want to wring me by the neck because of talking about Matt and Into Oblivion in this entire post. Anyway, check this song out: Bitch'n Camaro by Dead Milkmen. This is so cool. The way they were singing, it's very entertaining and hilarious [in a postive way]. Ok, they're not really singing, they're more like talking and delivering a poem... but, heck, I love the way the're talking and the background beat -- it's audible enough to make my day complete :D
Another song is 'Island In the Sun' -- I don't really know who sang/sung this, but I know it's a song in Aquamarine, right? I love this.
And last but not the least -- Punk Rock Academy by Atom and his package. My brother was singing this, before I knew it, I'm singing it too. Talk about LSS.


Monday, April 16, 2007

too many skin infections -- too many scars

i am still in the midst of lithologica so forgive the 'lameness' of this post.

hmmmm -- ok, so we went to my dermatologist yesterday. call me gross but i've just discovered that i've grown warts this summer [yeah, yuck.. maybe it's because of reading too many hog-warts related things.. hahaha ] anyway, so i had it removed. and now, i have instant freckles all around my chubby and bouncy face -- i counted them a while ago.. guess how many they are -- 42!! yes.. 42.. ok.. say 'yuck', say 'gross', say 'eeeeew' -- but, mind you, it's removed already and it's not like i have a deadly disease.. anyway, i think it's my own fault that i had these stupid warts -- for not returning to my derma [she's tita belet, a friend of my parents and the one treating my ugly face since i was in fourth grade..] every month and every necessary week. sigh.

oh well.. i'm trying to make my summer break reproductive by really mastering the things my tutor is giving me.. it's a very sordid realization.. i just found out that i've forgotten all about linear equations -- and, we only studied it last last month. i really need to rack my brains so that i could still be a 3rd year student.

so there -- this post is short, but i think it has damn more sense than my other posts. right? come to think of it, i'm always in the depths of lithologica -- that's why i'm weird, i can't say the proper words.. sigh..

SONG: into oblivion courtesy of Funeral For a Friend.. waaaaaaaaah.. Matt Davies is so gorgeous. He looks like a complete replica of Ira Cruz .. sigh.. and, according to the lyrics of this song, he's married and he has a -- child. too bad, precious faces should be kept for the fans to ogle and stare at..

Saturday, April 14, 2007

rina's falling..

wow. new layout. it's all thanks to chezca -- hahaha. kaya kung masyadong madaming kalokohan katulad ng 'leave u freak' -- it's a part of chezca's twisted imagination.. why don't we give her a round of applause.

hahaha.. i've decided to update my blog because i'm bored. and, well, all i've been doing is downloading and downloading and downloading songs.

anyway, because of my extreme stupidity -- my parents decided to enroll me at MSA [ung branch na malapit sa glorietta..] so there, i've been sitting there for two hours and solving complicated radical problems. i do appreciate their thoughts -- but, it's vacation time bozo -- how am i supposed to relax when they give me tons of homework? ugh. ok, i'm grating my brain this summer so hopefully i wouldn't fail that much next year. that's all im asking -- a 77 is totally fine with me!! hmmmm.. so now, i am recalling the methods of dividing polynomials -- remember that? the synthetic division blah blah blah?

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey.. magtag naman kayo. cmon. kahit ano lang ang sabihin nyon -- kahit ano. tssss. lahat kasi kayo globe, so there's no use texting any of you gor a long time dahil nauubusan kayo ng globe, nauubusan din ako.. oh well, sa mga testi at tags at offline msg nlng ako umaasa.

un lng.

SONGS: Only One by Yellowcard -- the people here are getting irritated because i'm singing it all day.. and the other song? guess what.. for some strange reason i'm humming Joker Arroyo's campaign jinggle 'Wag kayong matakot, wag mag-alala.. Joker Arroyo, people's dragon, Joker Arroyo, Joker Arroyo -- pag bad ka, lagot ka!' hahaha.. mind you, hindi nya kinukuha ung pork barrel nya, tapos isa lang ung staff nya magmula congressman sya.. wala, sharing.. hahaha