Friday, December 25, 2020

Like a prayer you don't expect an answer, though you ask for one

It's Christmas & it used to mean a lot like 3 years ago. Tbh, I feel nothing, like FINALLY I reached my threshold and I just see him as a menace. He's not a good person. He really is not; the way he treats me, the way he talks to me, the way he fights with me - god, I really don't have any self-respect, huh? He thinks Idk about the other people - when, really, I have receipts. I know everything. I cared before because I considered him a friend but, honestly, he's just a stranger. I don't know anything about him. I don't know him. I guess I'm just tired of the constant lies and being taken for granted. I honestly don't care if he gets struck with lightning, like I'm just impervious about it. Of course I'm not wishing him ill, I just mean - I don't care anymore. I'm tired. It's been 2 years, please let me rest now. I seriously can't wait to graduate and get out of this shithole. God, please, please, please, for once, can you please listen to my prayer and just, for once, answer it. Please.

On something totally different but SUPER COOL. I've been a BTS fan since August. It's all Z's fault! I started with Jungkook as my bias but slowly.. it became Yoongi. GODDDDD I love him so much HAHAHAHAHAHA ANG SUNGIT KASI! He's so adorable! Huhuhuhuhuhu!

Anyway, Merry Christmas, fuckers! May the holidays be merry and bright for everyone!

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