Thursday, July 1, 2021

"Do you think a life has any value if one doesn't leave some mark upon the world?"

 So, I just finished reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. I'm using this font because this novel warrants something.. appropriate-ish for that setting. Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot. A LOT. 

Okay, whatever, I'm going back to this one haha. Anyway, so, I enjoyed that novel a lot. See, Addie LaRue has lived through wars, pandemics, birth of a vision or a philosophy - and yet, she's forgettable. She can't leave any trace of herself behind. Everyone who meets her forgets her in an instant. 

Isn't that a sad way to live? I like a quote from the book that says, "Do you think a life has any value if one doesn't leave some mark upon the world?" And, tbh, while I was reading the book, I have to stop every now and then because it hits too close to home. I'm so scared of leaving no mark and being forgotten. I'm terrified of forging relationships and being left alone. Well, aren't we all, though? 

I don't know, nothing feels coherent right now because I'm so saddened with the book. I loved it so much. SO MUCH.

Okay, back to Medical books. AND OH YEAH HAPPY 1ST OF THE MONTH! 💜

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