Sunday, September 13, 2009

High School Never Ends.

While everybody's posting all those "I LOVE COLLEGE!", "I LOVE MY LIFE!" tralalas -- I would just like to say that THEY never really enjoyed HS that much. HS is the MOST.. I dunno.. It's the HAPPIEST. Although, I don't want to be a hypocrite here -- Maybe it's the happiest for me since I'm only a Frosh and, OHYEAH, I hate my school. I never asked for College in the first place. I'm so sorry if I'm being a bitch -- I'm just having the awful-est year in my life.

I envy the people who got in to their dream schools.

I envy the people who are just so plain happy with College right now.

Why can't I be like that? Why can't I love UST? Whhhhy? I don't know how many times I've ranted about CollegeBooooHooo's but, yeah, I need an outlet -- and I don't know who I should talk to anymore since EVERYBODY'S enjoying their stupid College Lives now.

I don't have anybody right now. They're all about College. They're all about their stupid new friends. They're all about their posh lives. Somehow, it's just me. It'll always just be me.

SONG: Anne Hathaway's Somebody To Love.

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