Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Future's A Blurry Asshole.

I might or might not go to Nicole's debut tomorrow. God knows how much I waaaant to go. Everybody's going! My UST friends are going. Even... is going. See? I'm so going to miss out if I don't go tomorrow. But, the problem is.. I don't have anything to wear. Ugh. That's the dilemma. :| I want to go. Please God. Please let there be a shining black dress that wouldn't make me look dorky. PUH-LEASE. I've reached a very crucial age wherein I must attend the debut of one of my friends.

After Nicole's debut, the next big thing is classes on the.. 15th? Is it the 15th or the 16th? I don't even know. Ok, now that we're talking about school, I just have to say that I am excited. And, at the same time, I am not excited. I can't believe that summer's almost over and I'm going to face the books again. And, well, another dorm, a new one, for that matter. I hope my new dormmates are not douchebags like my former-dormmates. Krissy was the only sane person in my old dorm. Anyway, as I were saying before I rudely interrupted myself, I am excited and not excited. I want to see my friends. But, at the same time, I'm dreading my new schedule. I have to wake up at around 6 so I wouldn't be late for my 7am classes. How very traumatizing. But, being the pragmatic person that I am, I still haven't bought an alarm clock. So, how can I possibly wake up early now? (Note to self: Buy an alarm clock)

I'm ranting again, am I? I have this habit of gnawing my words in. Like, I'm chewing tissue or something. Ugh. Very sorry. I'm just not over debating with myself. Do or do I not want to go to school?

Anyway, I hope I can go to Nicole's debut tomorrow. PLEASE GOD. *crosses fingers* And, please, I hope I can find the perfect dress that wouldn't make me look like an elephant. *crosses fingers again*

SONG: McFly's Obviously. :)

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