Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Shouldn't Look As Good As I Do.

That, my friend, is an album title by Math And Physics Club.  You should try listening to Jimmy Had A Polaroid. Chill song!

Anyway, a while ago, I was on the phone with my friend, Jonah.  We were talking about books and stories and plots and authors.  I was telling her how I adore Neil Gaiman and that I used to really hero-worship him.  See, he was my idol.  There was this story I made when I was 15 and I was so inspired by Neil Gaiman.  (Click to see story here.)  I was so proud and happy with that story 5 years ago.  When I think about it now..  Did the story make sense?  I don't know about you guys, but I still think it's pretty okay and I accomplished the chilling effect/ending I wanted.  (For someone who was really bored on a rainy day and who didn't want to study for her Religion exam or something, I think it was okay.  Or I'm just really being biased here since I made that nonsensical story.)  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Omg.  You get my point, though, right?

In some ways, I think I lost my writing and reading mojo.  I think the internet and the TV series I watch sucked it from me.  Am I becoming stupid like the people I mock and laugh at?  Dear Jesus, please don't let that happen to me.  I can't be a fat and stupid person at the same time.  I can be fat, okay, I'll take that. (No, actually, I don't want to be fat.  Ugh... Then again, what other option do I have, really?)  But, please, please, please don't let me be a dumb and futile person too.

If not for my wit and beauty...  People wouldn't talk to me.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M KIDDING.  Seriously, God.  Please don't let me become a foolish and idiotic person.  Huhuhu.  People already think I'm one but pleeeeease, don't let it happen to me.  I don't want to be like...  HEHEHE.  You know who I'm talking about!

1 comment:

Rose said...

Sino and idiotic person na itey?