Sunday, December 2, 2007


i like it better when I'm alone while doing my 'stuff', which means, dimwit, typing my post. Thirty minutes ago, my father was sitting beside me tottering his laptop -- i can't possibly bare my soul here if my pop's just beside me.. why? because he keeps on glancing and glancing on the monitor.. i think he's making sure i'm not out on a hunt for porn sites.. the suspicious daughter.. i mean, whatever, are they taking it seriously every time i tell them that i want an FHM? don't they know the difference between a joke and a serious-refined statement? UGH. or maybe my paranoia's in it's peak again.. either of the two..

yes, yes, i know that i tend to be a paranoid. i can't help it. is it my fault that i constantly fear that someone out there is just waiting for the opportune minute to kill me? to rip my body limb by limb? to cut my neck and watch the blood surge down my body which, i must say, is a temple of God? ugh. the thought of my body being ripped limb by limb is -- upsetting and kind of inhuman. i mean, heck, imagine some psycho out there who's waiting for a 'cute' person (ahem.. i was joking!) to walk by so he could cut her/his throat and drink it? UGH. the thought is REPULSIVE. gross. why did i even raise this topic?

distracting as it may sound, i'm actually, er, fond of gory stuff. well, not something that i would initiate.. but, blood-stuff in movies.. you know, that kind of stuff. my mom said it's sadistic and improper for a young 'lady' to be obsessed (god! why can't i spell obsessed properly?!) with those kind of things. i told her that i'm just interested and fascinated on, um, that -- things.

don't worry, though, i'm not going to eat you up or anything.. i just love it in MOVIES, dork.

i'm sleepy.. i'm going to update sooner than you say 'HEY'.

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