Saturday, December 1, 2007

december's so exciting -- NOT

ok, i'm not really excited about the fact that three more weeks and it's christmas day again.. call me bitter or whatever but i just don't feel the 'euphoric' holiday spirit. :S

i am still freaking out about what happened last wednesday. it was the first time i saw sir macky mad -- snap, just like that! god, i didn't mean to abuse his, um, lenient-type-thingy attitude.. i mean, i was really just out for a drink and, well, let's just say i got distracted by the rope/string/whatever from the third floor..

i am having a brand new life, a fresh start this year. aren't you guys proud of me? Last year i had a notebook-full of 'bad behavior' reports -- this year, so far i only have three! yeah, sure, ok.. maybe for you it's a small thing -- but for me, that's a BIG thing because it actually means I'm improving. scratch the 'i' in improving and make it a capital 'I'..

i heard that the outbound would be on January11.. and the WHOLE BATCH is going to be there.. now, that's EXCITING.. i'm not just going to be with iii1.. I'm also going to be with ii1!!! yay!!!

shoot.. i can hear gun shots.. ugh.. the earth is eating me up. i don't want to diiiieeee!!! don't let mother earth take me.. HELP.

i'm going crazy here :S

song: The Fourth Drink Instinct by Cute Is What We Aim For.. dear god, this song is also CUTE.. get it? Cute as in Cute is what we aim for??

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