Sunday, November 7, 2010

And If I Blow Your Mind..?

So, I rewatched The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and after that I watched The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. My life is kind of lame because I've been watching movies all day long. Anyway, the sisterhood movies made me bawl like a freakin' baby. Excuse me, this is something different from all my other, um, movie tears. This is different because it talks about friendship and CHANGE. The movie tackled college and moving on and the acceptance of change and getting on with life like it's just a piece of cake. You know what it didn't cover? The freakin' depressing path you have to go through to achieve that stupid happy change. Are you getting me?

In some ways, I am just scared to drift apart from the four special people who stood by me when I was the most maddening and difficult person to be with. I don't want to have a wall between the five of us. Is it asking too much if I say that I just want it to be like High School? We were always together back then. We knew everything about each other. We laughed together, we cried together.. We were there for each other. Somehow, it's not the same anymore. I know I have to be a bit more understanding because, hello, we're in college now. I shouldn't expect them to always return my phone calls or my texts because, by God, I know that they're very busy with their hectic schedules. And, no, I am not sarcastic -- I am very sincere in all the things I'm babbling about right now.

Do you get what I'm saying? I don't want any gap between the five of us. I want us to stick around. I want us to be there for each other always.. Especially if one of us really, really, really needs it.

All I'm asking for right now is that if we have some free time, I hope that we could see each other and, you know, catch up. I hope that we could hang out and pretend we weren't really that far away from each other. I wish we could often sit around and talk about random things like bands and movies and new friends. Don't get me wrong, I understand now why we don't get to talk everyday. Everybody's busy. I get it. Seriously, I do. But, if there's some spare time -- I seriously want to hang out with you guys. Like, SUPER WANT.

I don't want to lose them, that's all. I just hope they feel the same.

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