Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tell Me Your Secrets, Ask Me Your Questions.

The last couple of weeks, I've been asked a lot if I ever had a boyfriend or something.  My answer never changes, "No, never.  And I'm not interested and looking for one.  I don't believe in commitments."  The last sentence, well, it never fails to get an eyebrow-raising reaction.  Their reactions puzzle me more than my belief. See, if you've been a constant reader/follower (KAINIS HAHAHAHAHA) of this blog, you would know about my stand on relationships and commitments, most especially, marriage.

I'm not saying these things to sound cool or anything.  I simply don't like commitments.  I don't like any responsibilities or obligations.  I'm not attracted with the idea of being, talking, or chaining yourself to the same person for, what, a year..  3 years.. If you're lucky, 50 years?  Isn't it annoying? I mean, to be with the same person every day?  Every day?  Ugh, god.  I can't even.. Gah!  But, who am I to talk, huh?  I haven't had any experience.  So, okay, let's take that.  Let's say, someone finally swayed me from my horrific beliefs about commitments... I promise you that that's the only thing he or she would get from me.  Commitments, relationships, yeah, maybe I'm not attracted to the idea now but, 10 or 15 years..  Who knows, right?  Marriage is a different pickle.  I don't believe in marriage.

Marriage is suicide.  I think it's just something people do to impress their family, friends, and society.  I mean, seriously, people spend, like, a million to 5 million pesos to get married then, what, they would spend another 5 million to have it annulled after, hmmm, 3 to 7 years?  What a joke.  Oh, you silly, silly and foolish dog, how about the people who reach their golden anniversaries or something?  Does it mean anything?  What can you say about that?  Well, they got lucky, sucker.  Or if you want me to be brutally honest, I think those people are the people who are afraid to get old alone.  (Seriously, why would you want to spend 30, 45, 50, 60 years with the same person?  Seriously?)  They want someone to cling on to when they go to their CAT or MRI scans or something.  I am not mad or anything.  I'm just saying my opinion.  I mean, it's true.

Don't tell me you haven't changed your views (even for just a tiny bit) after reading this.  BUT, if you're still raising your eyebrows and rolling your eyes after finishing this... I don't know what to say anymore.   Romantic movies and books.. Well, they're made, marketed, and advertised just for you!  Hahahahahaha, I'm kidding!  Don't mind me.  HAHAHAHA!

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