Thursday, April 3, 2014

Always. Sometimes. Easy. Time.

I think I'm going to fuck up the NMAT exam this coming Sunday.  I wasn't able to study as hard as I did the first time.  Ughhhh.

Anyway, I'm going to post some random facts about myself because..  well, I want to.  Hahahaha.  Besides I'm too lazy to think of a topic that I could elaborately discuss.

  • I still have a safety blanket.  I don't use it to cover myself up anymore.  I just roll it into a ball and rub it on my face until I fall asleep HAHAHAHA.  Seriously.  My baby blanket has been with me since I was five.
  • People always think I'm only fifteen.  Hairdressers, nurses, doctors, sales people, movie ticket vendors, DFA people, etc.  I remember when I was in the parlor an hour or two before my 18th birthday celebration, the parlorista asked me if I was going to graduate from high school.  That same scenario happened in a different parlor when I was having my face massacred with makeup an hour or two before my college graduation, the gay parlorista asked me where I intend to study for college.  I told her that I was actually graduating from college.  Hahahaha.  There was also this incident when I was looking for clothes I could use for my thesis defence in 168 and I was having a hard time looking for my size because, well, duh, I'm fat.  The gay salesman kidded around and told me that I still have time to diet and stuff because I'm still young.  I think it was JM who said, "Ayy nako.  Twenty na po 'yan."  The salesperson was genuinely shocked because she thought I was only fifteen.  Some of the old nurses in one of the hospitals my parents go to would ask new nurses and doctors to guess how old I am.  They would always say, "fifteen."  :3 I wish I could say that I'm not flattered or whatever but - well, I am.  My biggest fear in life is to grow up.  So, it gives me comfort when people think that I'm only fifteen.  I could still continue with my antics and stuff and most people wouldn't mind because they would think that I'm just a snotty and ignorant teenager.  I could fuck up, I could still do really immature stuff, you know?  Are you getting me?
  • I'm excited to go back to school because I WANT MY ALLOWANCE BACK
  • I used to have silver jackets on my teeth until I was eight, I think?  I was gap-toothed when I was little so when I was three, my mom had these silver jackets installed (? Is "installed" the right word, here?) to help the gap-tooth thing.  I thought I looked cute because I felt unique.  50 Cent ain't got nothin' on my grill$!  I'll post a picture, one of these days.
  • Howard is my favorite character in TBBT, Joey is my favorite character in Friends, Hannah is my favorite in PLL.  Aside from Logan, Dick is my favorite in Veronica Mars.  Fez is my favorite in That 70's Show.  Chuck is my favorite in Chuck, Seth in The OC, Reid and Derek are my favorites in Criminal Mind,  Sam in Burn Notice.  I used to be a Sam person in Supernatural but I switched to Dean, he's charming-er.  Peter Petrelli in Heroes, Blair in GG (then she slowly became lame so I switched to Dan), Phil and Luke are my favorite characters in Modern Family, Hal and Dewey are my favorites in Malcolm in the Middle (I love goofy dads who are really nice and stuff, you know, like Phil and Hal from Modern Family and Malcolm in the Middle respectively.  It kind of reminds me of my dad), Klaus used to be my favorite in TVD but they fucked it up so.. Actually, come to think of it, I still like Caroline so there's that.  Louis Litt in Suits (I LOVE HIM, okay!  He's so underrated, it breaks my heart sometimes.)  Barney was (I stopped watching after season 7.  No regrets because the series finale was a total bust) my favorite in HIMYM.  Mary Crawley in Downton Abbey, Sid and Cassie in Skins (first generation.)  I watch a lot of TV shows.  I have no life, I know.
  • I always sleep with the lights on.
I ran out of things to say so..  yeah.  Wish me luck on my endeavors HAHA shit omgggg

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