Monday, April 7, 2008

i've missed the grip!

my sacrifice is over! yes! i can pester everyone with my group messages again! god. i've missed texting and bothering people :)) i've missed the way my phone vibrates whenever there is a new message on my phone.. :)) i've missed the, um, feeling whenever there is a funny message i've received and my need to really laugh at it. shoot. my last sentence sounds stupid. well, what do you expect it's already 14 past 12 and i'm starting to evolve from some normal (well, ok, not really normal but quite ok.. if you know what i mean..) teenager to an exotic-looking monster. weird.

so, i got my card last friday and i was, well, disappointed. yeah, yeah, i have no right to be disappointed because i deserve the kind of grades i received. :| hell, no.. ok.. fine. i don't think i deserve the decreasing of grades in all subjects! can you believe it? the only which gave me a 90 is PE. that sucks big-time. i don't know if that's an insult to my ego or if ms. de lemos' just being really nice. anyway, there's no way u.p. or even ateneo's going to accept me! :(( i have four line of 7's! when all of you are studying in prestigious colleges, i'll stay somewhere loser-ish and rot :(( god. the idea is freaking me out. :(( i'm not really sure where my future is headed anymore. i suck big-time.

anyway.. on other subjects, although this is really, really, really depressing, iv1 wouldn't be that perfect anymore :(( not without her. in a year that i've known that kid, i've grown to really love her! her loud and boisterous laughter that would make you smile whenever you hear it.. that tinkling and funny voice.. those serious situations wherein she bears out her soul to you.. god. i just know that iv1 will never be the same again without that fantastic singer.. without that person who can play different instruments really well (stuff on piano.. stuff on guitars..) without that classmate who brings out the best in you during tough times. who's not going to miss her? :( iv1's going to struggle with imperfections -- for a while :)) we still love our bread.. and we still love our butter.. but no matter what happens, we will always love each other!

cheer up, love. :|

song: sum 41's walking disaster.

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