Sunday, September 9, 2012

The One Secret I'll Never Tell.

So, I finished Gossip Girl Season 5 today.  The beginning of the series, I was getting bored because of the same old story, plot, and twists.  I even raised my eyebrows when I found out that Bart Bass is still alive.  Jesus Christ, I think that's just too much.  I think the scriptwriters are desperately hanging on to a very thin and fragile thread here..  I mean, why is Bart Bass suddenly alive?  Suddenly alive!  That's just..  Desperate.  But, well, as the story progressed, the season finale was kind of.. Okay.  It wasn't as good as season one's but it was.. Okay.  So, anyway, the only twist I liked was that of Dan and Blair.  BUT, BUUUUT, it didn't work out in the end so.. Here I am, left with another Chuck and Blair shit thingy to cling on to until the next and final season, I heard, airs.  And, oh yeah, during the season finale?  Gabe Saporta had a mini role so that's sort of awesome.

The good thing is the third season of Downton Abbey will be shown in a few.. days/weeks.. So, that's fine right?  I can't wait!  What's going to happen to Elizabeth?  What is going to happen to Elizabeeeeeth?

On a very different topic, my Film groupmates and I had a shoot for the Black Barong Festival at Dapitan Square today.  It was fuuuuun!  Our lead child actress was really pretty and charming!  I hope we win this thing.  I think this is a big deal because some of the other contestants even hired, like, legit child actors, you know, from TV shows.  Like, real TV shows.  But, meh.  Whatever.  I know our group and our section could wing this thing!  Fingers crossed.

(So, this is a post without me mentioning Zayn Malik's gorgeousness or One Direction, huh?  Oh, but look at that.. I just did.)

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