Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I just came home from Batanes because we went to tour it -- and I'm literally exhausted. I’m not really a nature freak but I’ve appreciated the place – it’s a very peaceful place and very refreshing too. :D Cheers

Hmm, ok, let’s see – there’s not really anything to talk about.. Unless you find sitting all day, watching TV or DVD, munching food, and yeah, having tutorials interesting. A total boredom – even for the strictest an most serious old maid in the whole universe who just waits for her water to boil so she could make tea every afternoon [hahahaha, is this person related to you? Just kidding.. Mind you, I have a grandmother who’s sort of-- like this.. I get the inspiration from her.. Cheers :D ]

Anyway, since all you can see in this blog are obnoxious and insufferable posts – I might as well keep up with my repugnancy. Chill. Yeah, yeah, being atrocious has its advantages sometimes. I mean, I don’t even have to pretend that I have tons to talk about! Well, hey, I’m totally mooching here for what? The last fifteen seconds? Well, I don’t really have a damn idea where this post is headed [I’m shrugging, can’t you see?] Classy. Simply chic. Totally amazing. Well, if you’re reading this and you really find this post-- ugh -- horrendous, can you just inform me? i'm really into open-mindedness and -- tagging.. [hahahaha, it's my own wicked way to have you guys tag and actually say something in my tagboard -- is it me or do i sense that someone's raising his/her eyebrows? hahahaha.. Chill..]

On other more tolerant topics -- I am glad to say that my 'freckles' are gone [Yeahhhh.. it's a snortable sentence.. and, if ever you're going to consult a dictionary -- there's no such word as 'snortable' (I think) I just made that up :D Chill nougat anyone?] What am I saying again? Oh yeah -- the 'freckles'!! It's all gone! All 42 of them went gung-ho and left. Now I have a more unsightly face minus the, well, freckles. Cough. Why am I calling my warts freckles? There's one simple reason, actually. Most people when they hear warts [not unless it's hog-warts they're talking baout -- get it? Hog-warts? Hogwarts? Ok, it's corny.. Don't laugh..] they think it's a deadly disease that when you go near that person [the one contaminated by warts] you'll get AIDS or something. Ugh. I mean, hey -- warts are just spots that are very unsightly to look at. Well, since I have none already -- I won't contaminte any of you. Cheers.

On another topic -- a few days more and we're back to school. Isn't that so great [I'm sarcastic..] we're going to have more Math [My favorite subject in the world.. This time I am really derisive. I mean, I'm a total suck-o at that subject.. Just please, please, please allow me to talk that way in here.. I need some comfort, I need to be sardonic to calm my already shaking nerves.. I mean, heck -- what do we got? One month? One more month and it's school time again..] Whoa. Anyway, do you guys know what I do everythime I remember the glorious word 'Math'? i desperately cling to the lyrics of the Math song in the movie 'School of Rock'.. Ok, dig this: Math is a wonderful thing.. Math is a really cool thing.. So get off/up your ath let's do some math.. Math, math, math, math, math...

Seen my last post? About Matt Davies? Well, I didn't get to elaborate his gorgeousness. He is handsome one of a kind front man!! I mean, I have nothing against band vocalists [Fort a fact, before Johnny Depp became a very famous actor -- he was a band vocalist. Labamba.. Dig that..] But, I don't usually dig band vocalists, I'm more of the guitar/bass/drums guy with nose rings :D .. But -- Matt Davies? dig him! But, apparently, he's with someone already. A wife. It's in the lyrics of the song 'Into Oblivion' -- unless it's written by one of his bandmates. It's depressing. Why do I always end up being obsessed with a married guy? Johnny Depp, Billie (It's spelled that way, right?) Joe Armstrong, Alex Band, even Michelle Branch neglected me -- and now, Matt Davies. Oh well.. :D Cheers.

SONGS: good thing I have a new song in my head or all of you may've want to wring me by the neck because of talking about Matt and Into Oblivion in this entire post. Anyway, check this song out: Bitch'n Camaro by Dead Milkmen. This is so cool. The way they were singing, it's very entertaining and hilarious [in a postive way]. Ok, they're not really singing, they're more like talking and delivering a poem... but, heck, I love the way the're talking and the background beat -- it's audible enough to make my day complete :D
Another song is 'Island In the Sun' -- I don't really know who sang/sung this, but I know it's a song in Aquamarine, right? I love this.
And last but not the least -- Punk Rock Academy by Atom and his package. My brother was singing this, before I knew it, I'm singing it too. Talk about LSS.


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