Saturday, June 27, 2009

Let's Talk Cheese.

What's there to talk about..? How about.. CHEESE. HAHAHA. If you can't find the hilarity in that -- it is, I must say, absatively obvious that you haven't watched She's The Man. EVER. Oh. My. God. That must be one of the saddest thing/s I've encountered in my 17 years of existence. For real.

Anyway, there's a buzz going on around the, well, world. No, I'm not going to blog about how tragic it is that Michael Jackson finally decided to sniff his last air & die (God. I'm such a brute. I'm sorry but, well, the thing is.. I'm sarcastic like that, yeah.) -- I'm talking about a certain teacher getting married. Today. For the love of God.. I was so SHOCKED. No, it has nothing to do with my girlish fantasies about him before. I was, just, well, to put it mildly -- I stared at my cell phone for a good minute before finally replying to Erica (She was the one who gave me the news.) Man, oh man. I'm stunned. He finally decided to settle down.

Marriage. God, I hate that word. No, this has nothing to do with him anymore. This is my personal views about Marry-age. What's the point in getting married when you're going to get divorce sooner or later? I just don't get it. It's supposed to be sacred & all. But, everybody's so into the fad nowadays. Marry ASAP -- Divorce ASAP. There are more broken families than there are more united families. How about the children? Do the parents even think about how divorce would affect their kids? How it would be traumatic to their children? No. People are being more selfish each day. No, I'm not being a hypocrite here because, yeah, I know that I could be an insufferable self-loving bitch. But, dude, I always try to think about what others might feel if I do something. It's not entirely selfish-y.

So, as a result? I told my parents that I would never want to get married. I would stay uninvolved & happy. I could make myself happy. I don't need some guy who would torment me & torture me & have me begging him for annulment or divorce. It's better that way.

The only other signinficant person in my life right now is Ipe. :"> We're going strong. I love him so much. :>

SONG: Waking Up In Vegas. I got LSS-ed.

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