Friday, October 14, 2011

Can Anybody Please Save Me?

This is really selfish but can I just say that I don't want to stay at the house right now?  I don't want to go to school either.  I want to go to the Bahamas or Nigeria or Ghana, any place where nobody knows me, and stay there until I'm ok.  

God, I was looking forward to this month-long semestral break ever since school started this June.  By God, I'm so annoyed and irritated with everyone right now.  Everyone here's been shouting and yelling at me for, what, the  past few days.  And, seriously, it's getting on my nerves now.  Ok, fine, I get it, you guys are friggin' stressed out because you go out early in the morning and you come back at around 11 pm or 2 am.  I get it, you're busy, but, God, COME ON, you don't have to shout at me for every little mistake (and I mean LITTLE) I make.  God, you guys, of all people, should know how much I've been looking forward to this sem break and the fact that I could stay away from all those awful people.  I'm this close to tearing everybody's heads off.

And, you know what, it's not easy to take care of a very old and hard-headed grandmother who wouldn't freakin' eat ANYTHING.  Do you know how frustrating that is?!  I would give her a tiny portion of food and she wouldn't even finish a third of it.  I don't know what to feed her anymore except the Toblerones she graciously devours.  It's also frustrating because she falls down every fucking time she stands up.  Do you have any idea how frightening that is?  She couldn't freakin' walk to the bathroom without groping my arms because she would fall down!  By God, it scares the bejesus out of me.

Then, you guys would come home and you would nag me to do this, do that, don't forget this, remember that.  OH HOLY JESUS HAVE MERCY ON ME.  I'm trying ok!  I would egg her to eat some more and I would even tell her that I would wait for her even if she takes 3 hours to finish the food I gave her.  I always remind her to take her medicine on time.  I am even her own walking stick.  So, you see, I am FREAKIN' trying.  You guys just have to know that this is not an ordinary old person we're talking about.  You should realize how difficult it is to take care of her..  With her rants and her constant whining and, dear God, her insensitivity towards the help.  Seriously.  I know it's selfish of me to not understand her and everything but OMG, can you please see my situation, PLEASE, PLEASE?

I'm sorry for this fucked-up feelings.  I should know better.  I should understand more.  But, the thing is, I can't.  I need someone to understand me too.

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