Saturday, May 18, 2013

It Takes A While To Settle Down My Ship Of Hopes.


So, I just finished watching the season finale of TVD season 4... And I guess it's final - Klaus wouldn't return to season 5.  He wouldn't.  Caroline would be with Tyler (since Klaus was an angel and he let Tyler go back to Mystic Falls.)  And Klaus would be in New Orleans.  (Just so you know, I'm listening to The National's Terrible Love while typing this so..  God, the ache in my heart is overwhelming) Back to the point, Klaroline is over.  And..  I still can't get that fact wrapped around my head.  I'm at the point of my life where I just want to deny an unfavorable ending and pretend like it didn't/it's not happen/happening.  I know the whole Klaroline Fandom is weeping with me..  Actually, Klaroline is the best thing that happened to TVD.  What, with all the Damon-Elena-Stefan drama..  Klaroline was a breath of fresh air.

I don't want them to be together but I like how they are! They became friends for pete's sake!

The weird thing is - I don't think I can stop watching TVD (even if they murdered my heart with the injustice of breaking the Klaroline set-up I've grown accustomed of) because.. Katherine's already human, Silas threw Stefan in the falls thingy, and Bonnie's dead.  So, see, there are many scenes to look forward to.

I need another week to get over these recent turn of events.  Curse you TVD writers for toying with my frail and delicate heart.


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