Saturday, May 4, 2013

It All Began To Feel Insane, I Wanna Know Where They Keep The Rain.

(SPOILER ALERT - well, sort of)

I just finished reading The Great Gatsby and oh my fucking god - I loved it.  I freakin' loved it.  I'm a sucker for unhappy endings.  Don't look at me like that, I didn't plan this.  I just noticed that I prefer the sporadic sad endings than the usual happy stuff.  I'm not even trying to sound like the anti-Christ here or anything, I'm just stating a fact.  

Anyway, if you haven't read The Great Gatsby yet - Jay Gatsby is going to die.  I told you I'm going to spoil something, not my fault you continued reading.  So, where was I before I rudely interrupted myself?  Oh, yeah, so, Gatsby is going to die.  Well, that's not probably the depressing part - see, when he was alive he often holds parties and shit in his mansion.  Many people would go there and party their asses off (I'm not entirely going to tell the story.  I'm just stating some of the details necessary for this little post of mine)  Producers, actresses, drunkards - they're all there to attend Gatsby's lavish parties.  But, when he died - only four people came.  (That, my dear friends, is the sad part)  The people who went to his elaborate parties and shit - they didn't go to his funeral.  Carraway tried contacting a business partner of his but he said he didn't want to get caught up with murder and shit.  It's really kind of depressing, isn't it?  But, I loved it.  Like, Jesus-I'm-Freakin'-Gonna-Read-This-Book-Again love!  No, I'm not trying to sound cool or shit by saying I like something that most people would consider devastating or saddening or shit.  I just..  Love it.  Jesus Christ, the novella got me all intoxicated and shit.  I've never felt this for a long time.  I think the last time I had this giddy feeling about a book was the moment I finished reading V For Vendetta (it doesn't really have a blissful ending, either), what, four or five years ago.

I know I'm going to end up like Jay Gatsby.  And the (maybe) unhappy part is that this fact doesn't seem to faze or bother me.  I just know I'm going to end up like Gatsby.  No one would come to my funeral and shit.  If I'm lucky, maybe there'll be three people there.  Are you getting me?  No, of course you don't.  Gah.  I'm not really explaining myself properly, huh?  But, what the heck - all you need to know is that I don't care if someone or nobody comes to my funeral.  Well, there was a time (way back in high school) that this situation made me bawl but these days..  I just don't care.  In all honesty, The Great Gatsby made me happy because Jay and I would experience (in his case: experienced) the same thing.  He has a lot of acquaintances and shit (so do I) but, think about it, among those people - did he really know who cared or who just, in some ways, used him to have a good time?  People are selfish creatures - they don't care about anything.  You're lucky if you find someone who would cross the ocean for you.  (Lucky for me I have two)  But, those other people? They don't give a rat's ass about you.  Look, I'm not even murderous or suicidal right now.  If you could see my face while I'm typing this, I'm calm and just stating things as they are.  I'm actually at peace with this idea.

Well, just read The Great Gatsby.  Maybe it would inspire you to live or what.  (Can I just say that I don't like the thought of Jay Gatsby pining over Daisy - for five fucking years.  I mean, are you fucking kidding me right now?  All that for a bitch who didn't even go to your fucking funeral which, I might add, in my opinion, was her own fault anyway?  I thought it was just a tad bit pathetic that Gatsby was clinging on to the idea of Daisy and him living together happily and shit, you know?  Or that's just me.  I hate Daisy.  I want to motherfucking stab her to death until she chokes on her own saliva and die.)

On something different, my dad got confined at UERM last Tuesday.  He had an operation yesterday.  My mom and I will stay at the house this weekend.  Yo would look after Itay this weekend.

He was still making his awful and corny jokes even if he's confined.  Why he's still happy and stuff - I would never understand.  Anyway, apart from the fact that my dad had an operation (I really hope it heals soon, you know?) I love staying at hospitals!  Since we don't have a maid anymore, I'm relaxed at the hospital.  It was actually a mini-vacation for me.  Hehehehe.  Hmmm, we hope to get discharged next Tuesday.  I hope my dad gets well soon.  Seriously.  As much as I love hospital food and the overnight part - he is still our priority, see.  Plus, I know that he's itching to go back to work.

Let me know what you've been up to, yes?  :-)

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