Saturday, May 25, 2013

Now, I'm A Fat House Cat Nursing My Sore Blunt Tongue.

Today is my mommy's birthday!  We would just probably buy ribs or what today.  We would properly celebrate when Yo's home.  The cute thing is, even if it's her birthday, my mom asked my permission if it's okay for me to buy ribs or crispy pata or what and then have the celebration when Yo's around.  Hihihi.  I said, of course.  I mean, it's her birthday - plus, truth be told, I would probably be the one to choose the restaurant we would be eating at when we finally eat out.  Hihihi.

Although, I sort of feel bad because I've been a bitch this day.  In my defense, I was sleepy and groggy and shit.  Haaaay.  My mom doesn't deserve that treatment, though.  I was being a total bitch and she was just sweet and stuff and, you know, it's also her birthday.

I'll make it up to her, I promise!

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