Sunday, June 9, 2013

If It's Quite Alright, You Could Be My Way Of Life.

Gonna do bullets today 'cause I'm too lazeh to write something coherent.  Well, since I'm doing this, might as well make it some bulleted random shit about me.

  • One of my pet-peeves is seeing guys wearing jeans with slippers.  I don't care if it's Zayn Malik or Jared Leto but jeans and slippers (for guys)... No.  Just, no.
  • This baby is currently on loop, for, like, two days now.  You'll be hearing this on my next mixtape, so, you might as well get a head-start and listen to it right now: 

  • I used to judge (sometimes, I still do.  Bite me, whatever) people by their music preference.  I'm sorry but it's just a stupid habit I can't seem to break.  I'm trying, though.  If I succeed, that would mean I'm really maturing, right?  (Genres I don't get and I usually, albeit unconsciously, judge: hip-hop and rap.  Sorry Pitbull or Nicki Minaj - hey, at least, I know you guys.  Anyway, I'm not against it or anything but I just don't.. get it.  Maybe it's because I can't sing it?  Usually, I pant and stuff so.. yeah.  Maybe that's why?)  
  • I guess I'm a music-elitist? #ULUL (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA kidding.  Jesus I'm so conceited HAHAHAHAHA but, sorry, it's based on my own standards, see?  So, I can be the best in my own standards, right?)  Hmm, how do I explain this.  The only people I want to listen to my mixtapes and playlists are my friends and classmates or my acquaintances.  People who would really appreciate it, you know?  I don't want the people to listen to it just because a famous person listened to it.  Are you getting me?  See, since they heard that, let's say, Kristen Stewart listens to, say, Fibes, Oh Fibes!, they would start listening and "loving" it, as well.  I know I'm really wrong on my part since, wow, it's marketing and promotion and shit.  But, I want the bands to be exclusive.  I want the people to like the band and the music because they like the band and the music not because some bimbo recommended it or said in an interview that, "Yeah, Band A is cool, yeah."  I mean, ARE YOU GETTING ME?  I want the people to discover the bands and like their music and stuff without the advertisements and shit!  Jesus, I don't know how to explain it anymore.
  • I think I'll make a good doctor.  Seriously.
  • I have never tried getting my nails done.  Never.  I usually put on my own nail polish.  It's okay, I like painting my own nails and having my own nail polishes(?) shit.
  • My nails look so purrrrrty right now.  I painted it an old-rose color hihihihi.  The picture doesn't do it justice, though
  • It's already 8.19 PM right now and I haven't taken a bath - yet.
  • I don't care if a person's gay or a lesbian or bisexual, I don't care if she or he is doing sex before marriage, I don't give a damn if he or she likes to get high every once in a while (or everyday), I won't blink an eye if someone tells me that he or she has a kid out of wedlock..  Abortion, on the other hand, is something else.  I would never, ever be pro-abortion.
  • Our new internet provider's coming tomorrow and I am so fucking psyched!  Smart Bro fucking sucks.  Kids, don't subscribe to Smart Bro.  They don't care about their customers.  If I collect a penny for all the times we've complained - we would be freakin' millionaires right now.
  • The television inside our (my brother and I) room's busted.  We haven't had a decent television for a year now.  But, we don't really mind, actually.  We don't really use the television that much.
  • Oh yeah, I don't have my own bedroom.  I share a bedroom with my brother.  It's the biggest in the house, so, it's okay, I guess?
  • I broke a chair in my dad's office a week ago.  He got so mad and started scolding me for treating and taking everything as a joke.  He was so angry and for a minute there - I got scared.
  • I'm buttering up my parents right now because I have to ask for permission (Yes, even if I'm already twenty-one) to go out this coming Saturday for Nicole's 21st birthday dinner!  Yay!  I'm so excited but, Jesus, I have to calm down..  I don't want to jinx anything.
  • I'm a homebody.  I prefer staying indoors than going out and chilling with people.  Ugh.  People.
  • BUT, when I'm around people (school, birthdays, gatherings) I like talking to them and making them laugh.
  • I'm an extrovert but I have a handful of close and true friends.
  • I hate Hoobastank (band) Jesus, I hate them so much that thinking about them makes me want to hurl.
  • I haven't had a decent fantasy since March.  I mean, I don't have any full-blown crush on anyone right now so my fantasies cease to work.
  • I have nothing else to say.  Bye.  Sayonara.  Adieu.  (Might get a bath after posting this hehehehehe)


Mae (Jonah's beautiful friend hahahaha) said...

I want the people to like the band and the music because they like the band and the music not because some bimbo recommended itHahahaha I feel you Rina =))) para sakin poser yung mga ganyang tao =))) ang sama ko hahahaha :)))
I think I'll make a good doctor. Seriously. Bat di ka magdoctor? Para I'll see you sa UERM? Hahahaha =))

Rina E. Macaraig said...

DIBA? Omg yan lang talaga yung point ko eh! Yan lang talaga!

Anyway, baka I'll take the year off para magprepare HEHEHEHE tas next year. So magiging "ate" kita Mae... Hahahahahaha!