Friday, June 28, 2013

Father John Misty.

Happy 52nd birthday to the most adorable and lovable weirdo in the world! 

I know that it's not a piece of cake having me for a daughter. I could be insensitive and if I'm in one of my moods, I know I could be infuriating and unbearable. Thank you for not giving up on me when I get snarky and when, you know, I have intense fits of rage. I'm really sorry when it seems like I (always) take you for granted. It's just that you're always happy and you're really, really, really, really, really nice (I've yet to find a person who would tell me that you're mean and stuff), so, sometimes it's kind of annoying. But, you've to know that I really love you. I love you even if you give pompous replies ("I too want to rock") to my jologs texts ("Rakenrol!") I love you even if you thought that the cellsite near the house was Mars.  I love you even if you sit at the foot of my bed at six in the morning to talk about Lino Brocka (Jesus, it's six in the morning!)

I love you and my friends love you and everyone who knows you loves you!! Happy 52nd birthday, Itay! I will buy you your own vineyard someday so you could finally make the wine you want to call "Moderately" (instead of you making rice wine in our kitchen and letting our kitchen stink, you know?)   

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