Saturday, February 15, 2014

Jeepers Creepers.

Belated Happy Valentines, guys!  Every year my dad gives me gifts.  These are some of his gifts this year:

That's an R book end and two scrunchies.  He also bought me shoes and a top.

It's a great week for my dad.  He took the PPS exam (again, after more than 10 years) and he finally passed! He took, like, two weeks off and he checked in at Pope Pius (you know, it's a Catholic inn or something in Otis.. if I'm not mistaken), the room he chose has no TV (so, it kind of sucked when I go there.)  But, hey, it's not about me.  It's about my dad!  So, after a trip to Manaoag and a trip to three churches in Tagaytay - YAY!  He's now a diplomate! The vice president of PPS called him personally to say, "O, Ronnie, okay ka na!" Wooohoooo!  Being a member of the society you mastered (?)/ majored (?) at is kind of a big thing for doctors.  Some hospitals won't accept doctors unless they're a member of their society.  PPS is for Pediatricians, POGS are for OB-Gynes.  These two are what I'm most familiar with because I could hear it from my parents.  Anyway, so, now he's just waiting for his letter/invitation for the pledging or whatever or however they call it.

On another topic, my dad bought a second hand medical book from Book Sale a few months back.  I started reading it today and..  Holy fucking fuck.  The first owner had a terrible, terrible handwriting!  Check it:

It's like deciphering the hand writing of a chicken!!!

Anyway, heh.  Not in the mood to jibber jabber because broken heart.. HAHAHAHAHA I'm kidding.  Anyway, see yah realz soon, homiez pizawt


You know what I hate the most about a person?  It's when he or she overvalues his or herself.  It's when he or she thinks that he or she is more superior when, clearly, he or she is not because, come on, let's face it, he or she is mega fucking boring and lame.  Are you getting me?  I mean, what are your motherfucking interests you boring, lame-o, piece of shit?  What do you even do when there's no school?

He or she could act like Mr. or Miss Prissy if he or she is lovable or even remotely funny.  But, he or she is not.  He or she became friends with his or her friends today because the said friends took pity on him or her and let him or her tag along when he or she is CLEARLY NOT WANTED.

So, I say this, he or she could shove a syphilis-infested dick up his or her motherfucking condescending (I hope you know what that means because this person doesn't even know the meaning of ****.  t(-_-t)) ass.

That is all.

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