Sunday, January 28, 2007

i don't want to go to school..

i don't want to go to school. i want to rest and relax.. i want a time-out.. i want to rest, rest, rest, rest, rest, rest..
anyway, what can i do? tomorrow is monday again and i have to face the horrible fact that i do not know what to do in that bloody biology homework [report sheet.. wahtever you want to call it.]

a double sheeesh.. we have a quiz in soc. scie tomorrow, right? bloody hell -- i've no idea what it's all about! then on tuesday we have another quiz in soc. scie and on wednesday a quiz on my favorite subject -- math.
howdy-har-har i'm really going to enjoy this week [NOTE: i'm sarcastic]

i had this weird dream.. actually, it's about school and it's full of tomfoolery! the itsy-bitsy problem is that i forgot the story.. i just know that it's about school and one of the characters is MACKEE! [hi mackee... :) ]

let's see.. there's this song that's whirling in my head.. it's from orson.. take this..
....... casue your a psycho bitch from hell.. it's already over.. if i stay here i'd only make you cry.. it's already over...
i do not know the full lyrics but i'm going to download it. it's cute and i like it.
currently, i'm downloading this neat song of new found glory [try this.. i like this!!!!] 'The Goodbye Song.' it's ultra-neat! believe me! anyway, if you know it already.. share my fondness of this song.. :)

guys.. can you give me more songs to download? from new found glory.. paramore.. story of the year.. static x.. anyone.. i'm really bored and i think downloading is -- fun.

hmm.. let's see.. ok.. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! my brother can't use the computer and his PS2 and his PSP because he's -- GROUNDED!!!! until MARCH!!!!!

so, i could use my dad's computer all day long [i'm using my dad's or my mom's computer because i do not have any internet connection in my laptop.. :c] anyway.. BRAVO!!!! i could stay here forever and nobody's going to bother me! hahahahahaha!
the only problem is -- when i get too bored using the computer.. i can't use the PSP or PS2 because it's his.. and i have to beg so that i could borrow it.. [what sweet siblings we are..]
lalalalala.. so that gives me another reason of wanting to stay here at home! i feel like flying.. i am sooo happy.. :)) lalalalalala lalalalalala..
how can i be so weird??

did i mention that today is my parents 16th wedding anniversary..? i don't know where they're goint to treat us.. as long as it has food -- fine. i'm ok with it.
oh my god!! 16yrs???? 16 yrs????? which means i'm turning 15!!!!! i'm toooo OLD!!!! i don't want to be old! i want to be 12!! i can't believe i'm turning 15 -- i can't believe i'm still immature and naive and juvenile and puerile and -- innocent? [ok.. i'm not that innocent.. i play pranks and i think it's not so.. innocent] waaaaaaah!!!! i''m getting old!!! im getting old! ok -- now i really have to be on a diet! i can't stay as a fatso forever! i'm going to be on a diet. now.

hmm.. help me god.

P.S. can you 'tag-along' [get it? 'tag'-along?? hahahaha! ok it's corny..] anyway, write anything in that cute tagboard over there.. smile..

long live the queen..

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