Sunday, January 20, 2008

it was a loooooong day -- week

let's skip the other bullshits.

Anyway, last friday, some ii1 kids went to Tapa King. I loved it, even though at the beginning I had second thoughts (Rona knows EVERYTHING.) because of some things Rona and I talked about. Anyway, I guess I really want to thank Rona in this post. I mean, yeah, I know I was a big drama queen and a cry baby but she really listened to me when I burst into unexplainable tears. Hmmm.. Maybe it was just post-menstrual symptoms.. Who knows?

As I've mentioned a while ago, we went to Tapa King :) It was oh-sooo fun. I sat beside Bianca B. and Lourdes, who, I might as well say, are very good cheer-uppers (I mean, even though they didn't really know why and that I cried, I instantly forgot that I cried because the two of them are really fun to talk to.. :) ) There was this great irony I really want to share, the place was called "Tapa" King -- and many of us (I think 4 or 5..) ordered spaghetti, and only Lourdes bought the Tapa stuff :)) I think it was funny.

Hmmm.. Too bad only few came :s it would be really awesome if ii1 really is complete.

So, yesterday, we had our course-college-something awareness, I mean, we were oriented with our parents about college and all that stuff. I got so bored at the middle part so I went at the back part where Dorilie was seated. Then, because Dorilie doesn't want to leave her mom and because we were already making too much noise, I went outside the covered court with Aika. I don't know how it happened but I found myself sitting with (drum roll please) ii1 people again :) HAHAHA -- it was like an extension of the Tapa King experience :)

The pictures are in my multiply :) But, you have to be one of my contacts to see it :) (Lourdes mentioned something about multiplys and.. if you know what I mean..)

SONGS: The Future Freaks Me Out by Motion City Soundtrack and No Doubt's Don't Speak

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