Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Want To Be A Mutant.

As of this moment, I'm having the X-Men Marathon. OMG. I seriously want to be a mutant. I want to have those cool super powers and be telekinetic or something. Jean Grey's powers are super cool.. I don't like her very much though. I think she's a douche bag. I'm sorry but it's just my opinion. So far, Mystique is my favorite. I think she's legen *wait for it* dary even if she's evil. :> HIHIHI.

If ever I become a mutant, I want some of Prof. X's powers and some of Kitty's. I mean, I want to pass through walls.. I want to control the minds of others.. I want to freeze time or something. Super cool.

Anyway, I'm currently downloading Saw I-IV. And, after watching X-Men, I am going to watch Paris When It Sizzles. Boy, I don't have a life. This is how I'm going to spend the last few weeks of sem. break because I'm sort of.. Grounded. Hmph. Yeah, ok. Whatever. Anyway, can you give me a list of cool and awesome movies that I could enjoy watching? Nothing freaky, ok? Ugh. I've tried downloading Inception.. There are still no available thingies on the web. I guess I still have to wait. Hmph.

K. Ciao. Logan's calling me. :))

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