Saturday, October 2, 2010

Out Through The Curtains.

Do you know what I'm feeling right now? I feel so frustrated, anxious, selfish, annoyed, depressed, and just so bloody angry. How come I never get the things I want? In the last few years, I yearned for some things (not all material things, mind).. And I never got one of those things I hoped and prayed for. How fucking unfair is that? I do not ask for a lot of stuff. I really don't. But, just this once. Just this once... Ugh.

What's the point? You guys wont understand anyway. I should learn how to be contented. Blah, blah, blah. Seriously. It just annoys the bejesus out of me.

I don't care if I'm ranting again. Or if you do not get a single word I'm saying. I just want to let it out because I've been crying my eyes out here.

Somehow, I know I'm wrong because I couldn't just tell you what I want. It's just that it would appear that I'm asking for too much or I'm just being selfish again.

This is so mababaw, I'm going to wring my neck when I snap out of this tantrum-phase.

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