Saturday, December 21, 2013

Body Language.

I just joined the bandwagon.  I started watching Awkward two days ago.  Honestly, I'm not impressed.  I think it's 'cause of the hype..  I kind of expected a lot from it.  Anyway, I missed downloading S02E10 (and jumped to E11) so I'm waiting for it.

I don't see why girls are attracted to that Matty McKibben guy.  He's not even attractive.  Even that Jake.  I mean, personality wise, I think I'd go with Jake, but, I still don't think he's attractive.  I'm not saying that they're hideous or whatever, they're just not.. my type.

All in all, I think it's kind of shallow (shet deep ko, sheeeet), I meaaaaan, at my age, it doesn't really work for me anymore.  Maybe if I was 15, you know?  If I was still unsure of who I should be (personality wise), and when I was more conscious of the way I looked and shit, you know?  But, honestly, at my age, I'm really worried about my future and stuff (YES!  Twenty points to Rina!  She's really maturing!) so, I guess that's why I think Awkward's shallow.  I mean, Jenna's problems consist of two guys fighting over her, or if she's in love or isn't in love with Matty McKibben.  Are you getting me?  But, whatever, I'm still going to watch it because the show doesn't really make you think so it  helps you relax.  Plus, okay, let's face it, it's entertaining.

Just finished downloading Episode 10..  Bye!


So, it's my brother's Christmas break and he's living at home right now.  Tomorrow, I'm going to be busy because I'm going to get my tablet checked or something.  It can't connect to my laptop and I've been to Samsung for, like, three times already.  So, I've decided that I would fucking bring my laptop tomorrow to show those useless morons that it can't fucking connect to my laptop!  Mind, my laptop weighs a fucking ton so the thought kind of pisses me more.  Anyway, what do I get, my dad asking me to pay his fucking bills.  Why can't he ask my useless brother?!  All he's gonna do tomorrow is sit at the mall and shit.  I have freakin' stuff to do.  How unfair is that?  If I'm not doing anything, fine, go ahead.  I know how to pay the internet bill..  but, Jesus Christ, I've been whining for a week now about this stupid fucking tablet and UGGGGGGH I was looking forward to confronting the sales clerk and wow.. "Go pay my bills." OKAYY.  OKAAAAAY.  Why can't you guys fucking ask that other useless piece of sod?  Why'd it have to be me?  It's so freaking unfair and I'm so murderous right now.  UGH.

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