Sunday, September 28, 2008

Are You Ever Going To See Everything You Mean To Me?

God's showering me with countless of blessings right this mo. And, frankly, I don't think I deserve it.. :| Ohwell. It's his prerogative anyway..

Want a bet?

  • My USB Port is A-OK >:) (As I've gloated about in my last post. Nyahaha.)
  • Since my USB is working again -- I could easily sync songs in my iPod again. Which makes my iPod ok too. I mean, it became slow and really annoying when I didn't update it for, um, 6 straight months.
and.. lastly,

  • MY SPARE PHONE'S OPEN-LINED TODAAAAAY! Hoooray, hoooray!! See, I've been loyally using my 7250i because when my mom got my Ericsson K610i, it was one of the newest and latest phones in the market. I couldn't have it openlined because the technicians were asking me 2500 bucks. Nyah-uh. My kakuriputan surged in my veins so, I waited patiently for, um, 11 months.. And, HOOORAH. Now, it's openlined! HOOORAY HOOOORAY! I looooove texting again. The moment it was fixed, I subscribed to Unlitext and bothered all the human beings in my phonebook. =))

See? Even psychopaths like moi are blessed. Let's hope that this good luck stays with me until March. Or even until tomorrow.. The Trigo LQ results are going to be, um, revealed tomorrow! Oh my effing god..

BTW, I am so proud of Laraine :)) She's making her script right this moment.. And dig this, magdodouble body ang gaga! She said that she would want to be Ka Andeng and Simoun. I gave her the thumbs-up sign. So, she's studiously working on her script right now. I hope.

There's only one glitch, though. Since I couldn't send my part in any of the e-adds she gave me, I sent it in one of my eadds. Well, I don't really have any choice.. I gave Laraine the username and the password. I just hope she doesn't hack it. :| HAHAHA. Kidding :))

So, see you tomorrow? :) Ciao!

*Life's picture perfect -- still there's one itsy-bitsy thing that's bothering me. I'm really trying to forget it. Seriously.

UGH. I ought to have my head examined :| Ooops, talking about heads being examined.. My mom said that she thinks I'm kind of bipolar (She was SERIOUS when she talked to me..):| She said that she asked my father to talk to some doctor to have me checked up. Seriously. SEE! I know there's something wrong with me :| Even my parents think so! Honestly, I'm scared. :| But, she (my mom) said that I shouldn't be. The check-up (I still don't know when..) would help me.

Oh God.. UGH. Whatever. So, see you tomorrow? Like, REALLY.

SONG: Lincoln Hawk's Everytime :) Everytime you walk away or run away you take a piece of me with you there..

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