Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hanging On.

Well, you know what. I love being a woman, girl, lady.. Whatever (somehow) but one thing I hate about being a girl is.. PMS. These past few days I've been biting my family's heads off. I was, am, so irritated with everything. I was snappy and grumpy and freakingly depressed. (This is going to be dramatic. So, if you wanna close this tab, go on.) I feel so alone and I feel that nobody loves me. K. It might be funny but I swear, I was so angry and sad because I feel so unloved. Screw me for being overly dramatic. But, dear God, these are my hormones talking! I feel so crappy. I hate everybody right now. I don't want to see anybody. Or talk to anybody. The people around me don't really care anyway. So, what's the point?

I hate losing friends. So, I always bug the bejesus out of my friends. It's my annoying way of saying that I love them. If I stopped bugging someone (which I stopped doing to you. You sonofabitch) it's because I stopped caring. Honestly, I don't consider you as my friend anymore. I got so tired of reaching out. You always say that you're busy or you don't have the time. Pero wow lang yung mga pictures mo sa Facebook. Kung san san ka nakakarating kasama ang college friends and/or boyfriend mo. Wow.

Anyway, what the hell. I know that people leave. I should've expected this. Fuck you, sonofabitch.

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