Saturday, April 20, 2013

Leopold Street.

Don't get me wrong I love my mom (my relationship with her is so tightly-knit, sometimes I think it's already unhealthy) but she can be a fucking freak sometimes.  No, I'm not talking about the cute kind of freak - I'm talking about the, leave-me-the-fuck-alone kind of freak.  I fucking hate it when she bugs me or scolds me whenever I'm talking to someone on the phone.  I don't know if she's doing some kind of power-tripping thing but it is motherfucking infuriating!  Whenever I'm talking to someone, she would yell out reklamo shit and stuff.  That's why I always hide whenever I'm talking on the phone.  One time, she saw me pacing around the kitchen intensely (yes, because job-talks are getting kind of ahfklaflas these days, you know?  I really need to get a job) and she scolded me (take note: I was still on the line, ha) by asking why I'm hiding.  As in glare stuff, why are you there?  It's as if you're hiding something suspicious and stuff.  No, mom, I'm fucking hiding because you're always rude whenever I'm on the phone.

Puta I'm so angry right now.  She always do this kasi.  Puta.

I love how this family is close, you know, but sometimes, there should be boundaries.  There's no more privacy around here, Jesus Christ.

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