Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lose Yourself In Books.

I want a Kindle 5.  Yesterday my mom and I were talking, she said that her iPad's okay for games and shit but she wants a Kindle.  I was, well, indignant because I wanted a Kindle.  I've been begging for years and years and years and years and years and years for a Kindle!  Meh.  I don't know, we'll see.  My mom's softening to the idea.  Huhuhu I want one so bad.  So bad.

I am a bookworm, like, a real bookworm.  Not some pretend "bookworm" who talks about loving bookstores and books but never actually reading anything of substance or something.  Or, or, or just browsing the book until he reaches the ending so he could tweet about how awesome the book is or something.  Whatever you motherfucking poser.  ANYWAY, my life basically revolves around MUSIC, BOOKS, and TELEVISION SERIES/SHOWS.  That seems kind of dorky to the average person, huh.  But, whatever.  My parents always told me that I have a vivid and an overactive imagination.  I did mention before that I have three imaginary friends, right?  Such a pity that I could only remember Mitchy and Mijarla.  I forgot my other imaginary friend's name.  See, when I'm playing with them, I could do anything I want and be anywhere I want.  It was glorious.

Do you know why I hate horror stories and horror films so much?  It's because of this overly active imagination.  And I hate that.  I hate being spooked.  I hate thinking about ghosts and shit and all that other crapola I saw on the horror film.

God, please let me have a Kindle.  Please, please, please.  I swear to God I would offer my firstborn child with Brandon Flowers to you!!!

1 comment:

jodie said...

I have never heard of these imaginary friends of yours