Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Classes are suspended, beeyotch! >:)

Yesiree.. Classes WERE SUSPENDED TODAY! CHEERS! NO PHYSICS TODAAAAY! God, am I relieved. I didn't study for the fucking quiz. Honestly, I hate Physics. I'm beginning to love Trigo more than Physics because of Sir Narvaez :) Man, he's so gooood.

Anyway, when Mrs. Bayle announced the spiffing news, iv1 kids were in MPR-A watching that freaking crude oil whatever for Eco. So, since we couldn't hear what Mrs. Bayle's saying outside because we're inside, Sir Zaraspe was the one who announced that classes were suspended already. HOOOORAY. I was one of the 44 students (well, we're only 44 because Misha's absent..) who screamed "YESSS!!"


Dare to ask for anything else? I feel that God blessed me today. CHEERS, Lord! :)) Great Hormones, kiddo! :))

I still can't find my Eco notebook. Don't worry, I'm not making a big fuss out of it because it's my Eco notebook -- I'm making a big deal out of it because Gego made a list of all her , um, borrow-able books there and I was supposed to check the books that I want to borrow from her. UGH. Then again, I would just have to face the fact that I need to pester her with another list.

Life's getting better.
It's high time too! I was getting bored with my surly attitude. I need my old sun-sunny self back.

SONG: Bowling For Soup's Life After Lisa.
*Speaking of which, a while ago, I was inside the car and my brother was trying to radio-surf.. In 88.3, they were playing a DCFC SOOOONG. HOMAAAAYGAAAAD. They're selling out DCFC -- MY DCFC! This can't be happening! This is a hell lot worse than finding out that Skandar's an atheist! HOMAAAAYGAAAAD *tears, tears, tears* I LOVE BEN! :((
**Be proud of me >:) In less than 30 minutes (I'm sure... Since, I was doing it during Trigo period..) I cooked up a very, well, lengthy and, um, convincing Sulating Impormal.. And, I'm not late in my Eco HW.. And, I'm done with the Synthesis Reflection.. Little Irresponsible Rina sure is growing up! Aren't you proud? I'm so proud of that achievement I can't help but brag. HAHA :))

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