Saturday, August 23, 2008

Move over, numbskull.

So, I had my Diagnostic Test in MSA today. And, boy, was it H-A-R-D. It's a hell lot worse than UPCAT. GAAAAHD. My brain's in malfunction mode right now. Seriously. Heck, they made me answer 420 QUESTIONS! After the exam, I was monosyllabic and I had this glassy look in my eyes. I mean, I'm 100% sure that I'm going to flunk the Math part.. Since when did I pass any Math exam?

Anyway, enough of my rants. I know you're getting sick of it. So, we watched the Noli-Fili thing in PETA yesterday. It was F-U-N. The whole batch's there:)) (That's the only thing that made it.. um, fun? :)) Kidding..) The story's G-O-O-D! They made it modern so, we didn't have a hard time identifying who's who.. The TUPER DUPER bad thing was.. MAKARAIG WAS NOT IN THE STORY. GOD. I didn't even yawn the whole, what, 3 hours because I was waiting for MAKARAIG to magically appear in front of me. UGH.

HAHAHA :)) K, I'm making a big deal out of it. :)) I mean, hey, even if Makaraig's only an extra (Well, NOT REALLY. I mean, he did play an important part.. Right?).. It's not everyday you'll see your surname in an infamous novel, right?

Fine. Even if the most essential character in El Fili (Makaraig. Well, for ME, though. HAHA) was chopped off from the story -- I did enjoy the play. They were convincing and.. brilliant.. And as Jodie puts it, "Beeyoootipoool." CLAP CLAP CLAP! Bravo! :))

Yep. Fairly happy now. I LOVE YOU! :)

SONG: The Early November's All We Ever Needed. Been singing it at the back of my mind for a week now :))

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