Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's ALL GOOD :)


After, what, an hour? God. I'm so bored. And I can't even bring myself to get up.. I know.. I'm lazy.

I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT SYNTHESIS REFLECTION.. But then, I promised Ampy that I would do it. Shit. Too lazy. Don't wanna move :|


Do I really have to do all those stuff just to graduate? UGH. Why can't they let us relax for a while? I mean, have they ever heard the word "RELAX"? They're acting like there's no tomorrow and that the best fucking thing in the world is to freak your students out by giving dunghole-full of requirements, homeworks.. blah blah..

Or maybe there's nothing wrong with them -- maybe there's something wrong.. with me. Oh well. I'm going to do the Sulating Impormal.. Now? Later. Yeah. Maybe after an hour? Or not? Ok, I'm battling with the evil side of my head who's pleading that I shouldn't get up from my very comfortable position...

What should I choose?



Fine. I'm really going to do that bleeding Sulating Impormal. Hmpf.

** Do you know why I'm very eager in blogging? It's because of the new layout! Makes me think that blogging is a whole new different adventure! :)) chuckles. toodles.. whatever. :))

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