Friday, February 20, 2009

One Day You'll See Just How Good I Was.

Today is a FUN day. We went to Yellowcab with Dhia & Carmela. Too bad Nicole wasn't present. :| She got sick. :| I hope she gets well soon. Anyway, so we agreed that we wouldn't let Dhia & Carmela pay. They better stick to it! :))

After that, we went back to STC. We played Volleyball until we stopped & chatted with Carmela who was there. :)) Tae, ang benta nya kausap! Seryoso! Tawang tawa talaga ako! =))

Tomorrow, I'm going to Misha's house.

Hell week's coming. I'm getting scared. Especially of my Trigo quizzes. Honestly, I haven't passed any quizzes -- YET. I thought Physics would kill me & ruin my big banner of success.. I guess I was wrong -- it's still MATH that's going to take me down from my glory of finally, FINALLY understanding Physics! UGH. I so LOATHE MATH. It's eating my brain cells away! But, you know what, I think the people whose talents are related to those stupid Math stuff are really, really LUCKY. I mean, c'mon, what would you get if you know how to write? EVERYBODY could write. So, it's no big deal if you're good with words because anybody could do it. Unlike MATH. If you're frigginly awesome in Math -- Boy, are you LUCKY. You could walk anywhere with your head held up high since you're GOOD at something really IMPORTANT.

My father said that I shouldn't look at it that way. Hmpf. He's just saying that because I'm self-pitying again. Drats. Trigo & Physics & College is really making me feel.. degraded. I know I'm stupid. They don't have to rub it on my face. Because I know.

I know where my future will be? Out there, wiping leftovers in restaurants. Or scrubbing the floors in a hotel. Shit. I'm at it again, am I? But, really, I'm getting tired of feeling sorry for myself.. Then again, every time I remember how I fail -- it just crushes the happiness out of me. Then, where will you find me? Trying hard to be a happy pancake. The crumbs hurt, though. The crumbs hurt BIG TIME.

SONG: Alphaville's Forever Young.

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