Sunday, March 30, 2008

doom's day!

it's already 3.58 in the afternoon. a few more hours and i'm going to face my sentence.. i'm going to find out if i'm bound to repeat third year or if i'm lucky enough to pass it. god. i'm hoping for the latter one.. i swear, if i have to stop blogging for, say, a year, i would (mind, that is a humongous sacrifice, so, it only signifies my sincerity.) if i have to stop texting (lord, bless my soul right now..) i would! if i have to stop using my iPod (*amen*, *amen*) i would! i am willing to give up all my loved gadgets just to hear mrs. alcabedas saying , while gently smiling ang tapping my back, "ahhh.. she's not going to be a repeater. she just needs to enroll in an enrichment class."

i know i sound like a whiner. *rolls eyes* ok, i am a whiner. but, heck, i can't help it. i am anxious and worried because my life's so fucked up at the moment and i don't know if i should commit suicide already. seriously, the thought came up a dozen times already :)) i'm not really good in handling stress.. when there's too much to fret about, i get too stressed out. and honestly, i am such a worry-wart. i fuss too much and i make big issues out of small things. frankly, i think the reason i get stressed out is because i'm stressing myself out. *sighs* that sounds bloody stupid.

anyway, to cut off all those other bullshits, i bought stephenie meyer's new moon today! well.. my father did say that i shouldn't ruin my summer -- yet. so, to brighten up my day, i've bought something lovable. a book! one novel a day keeps boredom away! so far, i'm getting fairly pissed off with edward. (this is only my opinion and i'm no telling you to believe in me or whatever..) but, he loves bella, i know he loves bella! i can't see the sense in living bella alone in forks while the two of them suffer from, um, love-lost? whatever.. i can't really bastardize anything right now because i'm not done with the book yet. as soon as i finish it, hello-hello criticisms (if ever i get inspired in writing a reaction-post-something.. HAHA.)

P.S. jacob is a sexpot. :)) read it to believe it. :))

P.P.S. god. i do hope mrs. alcabedas' news is not that suicidal.

song: vanessa carlton's who's to say.

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