Saturday, March 1, 2008


It's already March 1 because in my clock right now, it says "12.28 am" So, it's time to say "Hello" to March and "Good-bye" to February. Ugh. Do you know how much I hate March to come? My birthday's coming so it means I'm turning another fucking year older. I don't want to get old. I mean, I'm too young, I want to stay young! Hmm.. No, I don't want to have any disease or something, what I meant to say is that I don't want to turn 16 yet because 2 more years and I'll turn 18 already. Whoah. 18 is a BIG number. Although, being 18 has a lot of benefits.. and RESPONSIBILITIES. And, I don't think I will ever be mature enough to take care of responsibilities.

Days are slowly passing by and I'm hating it. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to go to school anymore because of the traumatizing amount of homework teachers give us and those overflowing long tests and quizzes. My tiny brain can't take it anymore -- I'm very close in having a nervous breakdown.

Hmmm. I want to go to school.. because of some other certain reasons.

God. My eyes are flickering already. I think I need to go to sleep. After a while :))

SONG: Thunder by Boys Like Girls :))

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