Saturday, March 28, 2009


It was II1's class party yesterday. Too bad I couldn't come. :| I was fixing the college stuff. Gawd. I thought it was ok already yesterday -- I STILL HAVE TO GO BACK TO STC ON MONDAY! UGH! Screw college! It's more stressful than.. P.E.! UGH!

Since I thought I was already ok yesterday afternoon.. I agreed & hanged out with my mom & my brother. We watched a movie since my mom's a movie buff. Like, seriously. She's averaging 2 movies in a week. Gawd. So, we watched Monsters V.S. Aliens. It didn't really tickle my funny bone but the graphics were awesome. Welcome to the 21st century, honey! HAHAHA. :))

Wow. You should be proooud! My unli was done yesterday morning & I didn't surbscribe agaiiiin! I'm getting tired of texting. Plus, I freaked out about the radiations Carmela said. HAHAHA. :) Hmm, honestly, I miss talking to Lovi Poe. HAHAHA. Carmela kasiii! :)) Anyway, I didn't surbscribe since it's not a good way to connect with people anymore. The object of my affection doesn't care if I'm alive or something. So, what's the point? I wouldn't bug the people in my list for a looooooong time. I swear.

Cumps said that I should start being straight. Wow. That would be HARD. Although, yeah, I'm trying. I know there's no forever or any of those crap. It's just a bunch of sh*t that would make you hope. Well, since I don't believe in those stuff -- I'm trying HARD here. Ok? I hope COLLEGE would cure me. :))


I miss my friends. I miss IV1. I miss school. :| I feel like it's just a long weekend but we're still supposed to report to school after, what, 3 days? Yeah. That's the feeling. Somehow, I'm still fidgety because I have this deep-inner paranoia that I'm still missing some requirements. STC WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? HAHAHA. Gawd. My father said that I should train myself to sleep earlier since my sleeping habits are unhealthy. He's keeping an eye on me. Sheeesh. :|

I want to hang out with IV1 for the rest of the summer. SWEAR.

SONG: Taylor Swift's Love Story. WEIRD.

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