Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's The Only Secret I Would Keep.

Senior's Night last night. It was supposed to be supeeer fun but Eryel-Taray wasn't there.. So, it was, well, sort of lopsided. K.

I was supposed to be a stupid gypsy but I look like a MOM. HAHAHA. I should've tried my outfit together pala. Yesterday was the first time I wore the two together.. So, ganun ang outcome. HAHAHA.


I have a secret. And, it would kill me if I tell anybody. Although, for some weird reason -- Odessa knows. HECK. I didn't even tell her anything. :| Gosh. This thing is so disgusting. It makes me want to puke every time I remember it.

SONG: We The Kings' Skyway Avenue. LSS. ;;)

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