Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Take Away My Record Deal -- Go On, I Don't Need It.

I rewatched GossipGirl Season1. And I'm falling all over again for Chuck Bass. :"> Especially with his Blair Issue something. I think the two of them should really be together. Too bad I'm not done yet with Season 2. :| UGH. I MUST HAVE A DVD. There's a lot of catching up to do!

Honestly.. I'm DEAD SCARED. My Trigo grade is, there's no other word for it, a FIASCO. My parents are gonna kill me if I don't march. :| I SWEAR. Dear Lord, please let me graduate on time. I won't ask for a driver's license.. JUST PLEASE LET ME GRADUATE ON TIME. C'mon, this stupid graduation wouldn't be for me -- I want it to for them. Please?

There are classes tomorrow because of some stupid Afternoon Tea or something. Gawd. I thought I could just lie all day in bed & do nothing.. Then, I realized that I have to wake up early tomorrow because we have to be at school by 7.10.. :| Jesus Chriiist.

I'm currently reading The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. God knows how much I've missed reading his works. There are just too many stuff to do this school year -- it's as if I turned my back on Neil Gaiman. GOD. Whatever happens -- I still think he's the BEST author EVER. Nothing beats a good cup of ice cream & a Neil Gaiman book.. I swear. It cured me a lot of times!


It's not the same as before.. And, I wonder whose fault it is. :|

C'mon. Give me a break. I can't work on this ALONE. C'mon.

SONG: Still Vanessa Carlton's Nolita Fairytale & Owl City's Saltwater Room.

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