Monday, March 30, 2009

It's Not A Blessing Even If It's Disguised.

Early in the morning, I was whistling a happy tune & I was very excited to start my day. Don't ask me, I don't have any idea why. Anyway, later in the afternoon, I was so pissed off -- I was shouting at everybody. *sighs* And, at this very moment, I feel so fucking SAD. I want to cry & weep & sob my heart out! The weird part is.. I don't even know why I want to cry. I just feel like doing it. What's wrong with me? My mood swings are KILLING me.

I need to talk to somebody. Maybe isolating myself is not a good idea after all. Look what's happening to me? Some devil's sabotaging my brain & playing with my oh-so fragile emotions. UGH. I need JODIE. :(( But, somehow, I don't want to bother her anymore. I think she's getting sick of my stories. UGH. ERYEL. ODESSA. AMPY.. WHERE ARE YOU GUYS? Stop hiding & lemme feel yer presence. Gawd. I'm getting possessed all over again. :)) But, seriously, I miss you four. :| I've just realized that ye're my bright little ray of sunshines after all. >:D<>:)) I'm going to call it, "The Spermy Chronicles." It's about a girl named Ampy who's so gay & who's always moving like a sperm cell; hence, she was nicknamed, "Spermy." HAHAHA. I'm kidding. :)) Ampy said she wants me to write something for her. I'm re-thinking the plot. I want it to be Ampy-ish. Like, SUPER Ampy-ish. :)) HAHAHAHA. IMY SPERMY! :"> :x

I miss a lot of people. I miss IV1. I miss my normal self too. :|

SONG: I'd Do Anything by Simple Plan. Jeez. I miss these guys. :>

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